Humidity and temperature logger on Micro Python PYB v1.0
The humidity and temperature is recorded periodically (every 5 minutes) to a log file on the SD card.
Required hardware:
- Micro Python PYB v1.0
- Adafruit HIH6130 Humidity Sensor Breakout
- Adafruit 7-segment LED HT16K33 backpack
Source code: micropython
Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana can be used to visualize the log data:
(A more advanced dashboard with Docker can be found here)
Usage on Debian Jessie 8:
$ sudo apt-get install default-jre-headless curl
$ git clone
$ cd sensor/dashboard
$ ./
$ ./ ./logdata/logdata.txt
Then visit http://localhost:9292/index.html#/dashboard/elasticsearch/SensorDashboard
Source code: dashboard