Place your manual flows together in a convenient panel on your dashboard
- This extension will bring your manual flows from multiple collections together into a convenient panel or split them into several panels.
- Uses the flows endpoint and native components to provide the same functionality. Simply choose the collections that you want to include.
- Directus 10.0.0+
- Add this extension into the project's extensions/operations folder
- Start/Restart Directus
- Create a new Panel and select Manual Flows from the list
- Choose all the collections that you would like to include on the panel
- (Optional) Use the header to create a name for this panel
- Save the panel and position/resize as required
- Save the dashboard
Simply click Run Flow on the desired flow.
The Manual Flows Panel supports the confirmation dialog and any form fields associated with the Flow.
Users will only see a manual flow if they have Read permissions on it's collection and Read permissions on Directus Flows. Beyond that, the Flow will adhere to it's own permissions.