This repo is a forked from with necessary revisions to better fit streaming processing and Timeplus. It works for both Timeplus Proton and Timeplus Enterprise. The build / packaging process etc are the same as the source repo.
This library is available on maven central repository since Nov 17, 2023.
dependencies {
implementation 'com.timeplus:proton-jdbc:${http-jdbc.version}'
For how to use the JDBC driver, please check the README in proton repo.
To compile and publish the project, run the following command (making sure you have a Timeplus Proton or Enterprise running):
export GPG_TTY=$(tty)
mvn -Drelease clean source:jar package install gpg:sign -Drevision=<version>
# or disable tests
mvn -Drelease clean source:jar package install gpg:sign -DskipITs -DskipTests -Drevision=..
In some cases,the asc file is not properly generated and cannot be verified via gpg --verify proton-jdbc/target/proton-jdbc-<version>.jar.asc
You may need to regenerate it via gpg -ab proton-jdbc/target/proton-jdbc-<version>.jar
Please check the README in proton-jdbc sub-folder for more details.