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4 Commits
Jan 6, 2013
Jan 6, 2013
Jan 6, 2013
Jan 6, 2013
Jan 6, 2013
Jan 6, 2013
Jan 6, 2013
Jan 6, 2013
Jan 6, 2013
Jan 6, 2013
Jan 6, 2013
Jan 6, 2013
Jan 6, 2013
Jan 6, 2013
Jan 6, 2013
Jan 6, 2013
Jan 6, 2013
Jan 6, 2013
Jan 6, 2013
Jan 6, 2013
Jan 6, 2013
Jan 6, 2013

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fork of for Varnish features
Requires WP-Varinsh

Contributors: GamerZ, broderboy
Donate link:
Tags: ratings, rating, postratings, postrating, vote, digg, ajax, post
Requires at least: 2.8
Tested up to: 3.5.0
Stable tag: trunk

Adds an AJAX rating system for your WordPress blog's post/page.

== Description ==

= Previous Versions =
* [WP-PostRatings 1.40 For WordPress 2.7.x]( "WP-PostRatings 1.40 For WordPress 2.7.x")
* [WP-PostRatings 1.31 For WordPress 2.5.x And 2.6.x]( "WP-PostRatings 1.31 For WordPress 2.5.x And 2.6.x")
* [WP-PostRatings 1.20 For WordPress 2.3.x]( "WP-PostRatings 1.20 For WordPress 2.3.x")</a>
* [WP-PostRatings 1.11 For WordPress 2.1.x And 2.2.x]( "WP-PostRatings 1.11 For WordPress 2.1.x And 2.2.x")
* [WP-PostRatings 1.05 For WordPress 2.0.x]( "WP-PostRatings 1.05 For WordPress 2.0.x")
* [WP-PostRatings 1.03 For WordPress 1.5.2]( "WP-PostRatings 1.03 For WordPress 1.5.2")

= Development =
* []( "")

= Translations =
* []( "")

= Support Forums =
* []( "")

= Credits =
* Icons courtesy of [FamFamFam]( "FamFamFam") and [Everaldo]( "Everaldo")
* __ngetext() by [Anna Ozeritskaya]( "Anna Ozeritskaya")
* Right To Left Language Support by [Kambiz R. Khojasteh]( "Kambiz R. Khojasteh")

= Donations =
* I spent most of my free time creating, updating, maintaining and supporting these plugins, if you really love my plugins and could spare me a couple of bucks, I will really appericiate it. If not feel free to use it without any obligations.

== Changelog ==

== Changelog ==
= Version 1.64 (17-12-2012) =
* Add "Ratings" Column To Manage Pages In WP-Admin
* Add Sortable "Ratings" Column To Manage Posts/Pages In WP-Admin

= Version 1.63 (21-05-2012) =
* NEW: Move AJAX Request to wp-admin/admin-ajax.php
* NEW: Added nonce To AJAX Calls And Admin Pages
* NEW: Added Support For Google Rich Snippet

= Version 1.62 (31-09-2011) =
* FIXED: Escaped Hostname
* FIXED: Ensure Ratings Post ID In Shortcode Is An Integer

= Version 1.61 (17-02-2011) =
* FIXED: XSS Vulnerability. Thanks Dion Hulse aka dd32
* FIXED: Removed Global $post

= Version 1.50 (15-06-2009) =
* NEW: Works For WordPress 2.8 Only
* NEW: Javascript Now Placed At The Footer
* NEW: Uses jQuery Instead Of tw-sack
* NEW: Minified Javascript Instead Of Packed Javascript
* NEW: Renamed postratings-admin-js-packed.js To postratings-admin-js.js
* NEW: Renamed postratings-admin-js.js To
* NEW: Renamed postratings-js-packed.js To postratings-js.js
* NEW: Renamed postratings-js.js To
* NEW: Translate Javascript Variables Using wp_localize_script()
* NEW: Added In Most Rated & Highest Rated Pages To WP-Stats
* NEW: Added get_highest_score(), get_highest_score_category(), get_highest_score_range(), get_highest_score_range_category()
* NEW: Use _n() Instead Of __ngettext() And _n_noop() Instead Of __ngettext_noop()
* NEW: Uses New Widget Class From WordPress
* NEW: Merge Widget Code To wp-postratings.php And Remove wp-postratings-widget.php
* NEW: get_highest_rated_tag() And get_lowest_rated_tag()
* FIXED: Uses $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] With plugin_basename(__FILE__) Instead Of Just $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']
* FIXED: Ensure That Post Is Not A Revision
* FIXED: Missing + Sign For Thumbs Up/Down Ratings If Score Is Positive
* FIXED: Logged By Username Now Shows Ratings Results To Users Who Did Not Login
* FIXED: Multiple Loops Filtered Not Cleared

= Version 1.40 (12-12-2008) =
* NEW: Works For WordPress 2.7 Only
* NEW: Load Admin JS And CSS Only In WP-PostRatings Admin Pages
* NEW: Added postratings-admin-css.css For WP-PostRatings Admin CSS Styles
* NEW: Allow The Usage Of PNG Icons Or GIF Icons. See Usage Tab.*
* NEW: Added get_lowest_rated_range() Function
* NEW: Right To Left Language Support by <a href="" title="">Kambiz R. Khojasteh</a>
* NEW: Added "postratings-css-rtl.css" by <a href="" title="">Kambiz R. Khojasteh</a>
* NEW: Added 3 Functions For Creating HTML Code Of Rating Images by <a href="" title="">Kambiz R. Khojasteh</a>
* NEW: Call postratings_textdomain() In create_ratinglogs_table() and process_ratings() by <a href="" title="">Kambiz R. Khojasteh</a>
* NEW: Replaced Template Variable Calculations With expand_ratings_template() by <a href="" title="">Kambiz R. Khojasteh</a>
* NEW: Added Filter expand_ratings_template For Localizing Digits by <a href="" title="">Kambiz R. Khojasteh</a>
* NEW: Uses wp_register_style(), wp_print_styles(), plugins_url() And site_url()
* FIXED: SSL Support

= Version 1.31 (16-07-2008) =
* NEW: Works For WordPress 2.6
* NEW: Renamed GET Variables sortby To r_sortby And orderby To r_orderby
* NEW: Renamed postratings-admin-js.php To postratings-admin-js.js and Move The Dynamic Javascript Variables To The PHP Pages
* NEW: Renamed postratings-js.php To postratings-js.js and Move The Dynamic Javascript Variables To The PHP Pages
* NEW: Uses postratings-js-packed.js And postratings-admin-js-packed.js
* NEW: When Displaying The Ratings Given By Comment Author, It Check Against Cookie As Well As IP
* NEW: Better Translation Using __ngetext() by <a href="" title="">Anna Ozeritskaya</a>
* FIXED: MYSQL Charset Issue Should Be Solved
* FIXED: Removed WP-Cache Compatibility As It Is Not Tested
* FIXED: Able To Use r_sortby And r_orderby in query_posts()

= Version 1.30 (01-06-2008) =
* NEW: Works For WordPress 2.5 Only
* NEW: Removed 'postratings-usage.php'
* NEW: Uses ShortCode API
* NEW: Splitted Templates From PostRating Options Into Its Own File, 'postratings-templates.php'
* NEW: Able To Display The Ratings Given By Comment Author When Displaying Comments
* NEW: WP-PostRatings Will Load 'postratings-css.css' Inside Your Theme Directory If It Exists. If Not, It Will Just Load The Default 'postratings-css.css' By WP-PostRatings
* NEW: Use number_format_i18n() Instead Of number_format()
* NEW: Added Get Most/Highest Rated Post Within A Given Time Range Function
* NEW: Added Get Most/Highest Rated Post By Category ID Within A Given Time Range Function
* NEW: Added get_lowest_rated() Function
* NEW: Added get_lowest_rated_category() Function
* NEW: Added get_most_rated_category() Function
* NEW: Get Most Rated Is Now Under The Templates
* NEW: Minimum Votes Options/Parameters Added To get_lowest_rated(), get_lowest_rated_category(), get_highest_rated(), get_highest_rated_category(), get_most_rated() and get_most_rated_category() Functions
* NEW: Uses /wp-postratings/ Folder Instead Of /postratings/
* NEW: Uses wp-postratings.php Instead Of postratings.php
* NEW: Move WP-PostRatings Stats Out Of postratings.php Into postrating-stats.php
* FIXED: Thumbs Up/Down Post Should Get Sorted By Score Instead Of Average
* FIXED: Increased The Length Of The Input Box For Individual Rating Value
* FIXED: Manage Ratings Does Not Display "Numbers" Style Rating
* FIXED: %POST_EXCERPT% Variable Is Sometimes Empty

= Version 1.20 (01-10-2007) =
* NEW: Works For WordPress 2.3 Only
* NEW: Ability To Embed [ratings=1] Into Post/Excerpt, Where 1 Is The ID Of The Post/Page Ratings You Want To Display
* NEW: Ability To Embed [ratings_results=1] Into Post/Excerpt, Where 1 Is The ID Of The Post/Page Ratings Results You Want To Display
* NEW: Ability To Support Mutiple Categories For get_highest_rated_category(). By: <a href="">Dirceu P. Junior</a>
* NEW: Ability To Embed [ratings] Into Excerpt
* NEW: Added Template For No Permission To Rate
* NEW: Ability To Filter Logs By Post ID, User and Rating
* NEW: Added heart, heart_crystal, plusminus, plusminus_crystal, stars_crystal, thumbs, tickcross, tickcross_crystal and updown_crystal Rating Styles
* NEW: Supports Up/Down Or Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down Rating
* NEW: Supports Custom Image For Individual Rating Scale
* NEW: WP-Cache Compatible By <a href=",227.0.html">Nir Aides</a>
* NEW: Highest Rated Widge And Most Rated Widget Added
* NEW: Ability To Uninstall WP-PostRatings
* NEW: Uses WP-Stats Filter To Add Stats Into WP-Stats Page
* FIXED: Some Translation Bug In postrating-usage.php

= Version 1.11 (01-06-2007) =
* NEW: Ratings Custom Fields Will Automatically Be Created With The Creation Of Each New Post/Page
* NEW: Added AJAX Style Option: "Show Loading Image With Text"
* NEW: Added AJAX Style Option: "Show Fading In And Fading Out Of Ratings"
* NEW: Removed Ratings From Feed If Ratings Is Embedded Into The Post Using [ratings]
* FIXED: Wrong URL For Page Under Top Rated/Highest Posts Listing
* FIXED: Next/Previous Paging Bug In WP-Admin -> Manage Ratings
* FIXED: Sort Most Rated Posts By Number Of Voters Followed By Post Average Ratings

= Version 1.10 (01-02-2007) =
* NEW: Works For WordPress 2.1 Only
* NEW: Renamed postratings-js.js To postratings-js.php To Enable PHP Parsing
* NEW: Added Function To Get Highest Rated Post By Category ID

= Version 1.05 (02-01-2007) =
* NEW: Added The Ability For Each Rating Star To Have Its Own Text
* NEW: Highest Rated Post Is Now In The Templates For Easy Modification
* NEW: Usage Instructions Is Also Included Within The Plugin Itself
* NEW: Able To Delete Ratings Logs And Data By Post IDs
* NEW: Able To Uninstall WP-PostRatings
* NEW: Localization WP-PostRatings
* FIXED: snippet_text() Function Missing
* FIXED: AJAX Not Working On Servers Running On PHP CGI
* FIXED: Highest Rated Post Is Now Based On The Ratings Followed By The Number Of Votes
* FIXED: Added Some Default Styles To postratings-css.css To Ensure That WP-PostRatings Does Not Break

= Version 1.04 (01-10-2006) =
* NEW: Ability To Logged By UserName
* NEW: get_highest_rated_sidebar(); To Display The Highest Rated Post On The Sidebar
* NEW: Added CSS Class 'post-ratings-image' To All IMG Tags
* FIXED: If Site URL Doesn't Match WP Option's Site URL, WP-PostRatings Will Not Work

= Version 1.03 (01-07-2006) =
* NEW: Total Rating Votes Stats And Total Rating Users Stats Function Added
* FIXED: Ratings Not Working On Physical Pages That Is Integrated Into WordPress
* FIXED: Modified Get Most/Highest Rated Post Function
* FIXED: Search Bots Unable To Index Site

= Version 1.02a (07-06-2006) =
* FIXED: AJAX Not Working In Opera Browser

= Version 1.02 (01-06-2006) =
* NEW: Fading In/Put Effect After You Rate A Post
* NEW: Rating Voting And Rating Results Are On The Same Image
* NEW: Added Rating Option For Logging Method
* NEW: Added Rating Option For Who Can Rate
* NEW: Added Rating Results Image To Get Highest Rated Stats
* NEW: Rating Administration Panel And The Code That WP-PostRatings Generated Is XHTML 1.0 Transitional

= Version 1.01 (01-04-2006) =
* NEW: AJAX Voting
* FIXED: Block Search Bots From Voting
* FIXED: Hard Coded Table Name In Ratings Stats

= Version 1.00 (01-03-2006) =
* NEW: Initial Release

== Installation ==

1. Open `wp-content/plugins` Folder
2. Put: `Folder: wp-PostRatings`
3. Activate `WP-PostRatings` Plugin
4. Go to `WP-Admin -> Ratings`

= Usage =
1. Open `wp-content/themes/<YOUR THEME NAME>/index.php`
2. You may place it in archive.php, single.php, post.php or page.php also.
3. Find: `<?php while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>`
4. Add Anywhere Below It (The Place You Want The Ratings To Show): `<?php if(function_exists('the_ratings')) { the_ratings(); } ?>`

* If you DO NOT want the ratings to appear in every post/page, DO NOT use the code above. Just type in `[ratings]` into the selected post/page content and it will embed ratings into that post/page only.
* If you want to embed other post ratings use `[ratings id="1"]`, where 1 is the ID of the post/page ratings that you want to display.
* If you want to embed other post ratings results, use `[ratings id="1" results="true"]`, where 1 is the ID of the post/page ratings results that you want to display.

== Upgrading ==

1. Deactivate `WP-PostRatings` Plugin
2. Open `wp-content/plugins` Folder
3. Put/Overwrite: `Folder: wp-postratings`
4. Activate `WP-PostRatings` Plugin
5. Go to `WP-Admin -> Ratings -> Ratings Templates` and restore all the template variables to `Default`
6. Go to `WP-Admin -> Appearance -> Widgets` and re-add the Ratings Widget

== Upgrade Notice ==


== Screenshots ==

1. Admin - Ratings Log Bottom
2. Admin - Ratings Log Top
3. Admin - Ratings Options
4. Admin - Ratings Templates
5. Ratings
6. Ratings Hover

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= How To Display Comment Author Ratings? =
1. Open `wp-content/plugins/wp-postratings/wp-postratings.php`
2. Find: `//add_filter('comment_text', 'comment_author_ratings_filter');`
3. Replace: `add_filter('comment_text', 'comment_author_ratings_filter');`

= How To use PNG images instead of GIF images =
1. Open `wp-content/plugins/wp-postratings/wp-postratings.php`
2. Find:
define('RATINGS_IMG_EXT', 'gif');
//define('RATINGS_IMG_EXT', 'png');
3. Replace:
//define('RATINGS_IMG_EXT', 'gif');
define('RATINGS_IMG_EXT', 'png');

= How Does WP-PostRatings Load CSS? =
* WP-PostRatings will load `postratings-css.css` from your theme's directory if it exists.
* If it doesn't exists, it will just load the default 'postratings-css.css' that comes with WP-PostRatings.
* This will allow you to upgrade WP-PostRatings without worrying about overwriting your ratings styles that you have created.

= How To Use Ratings Stats With Widgets? =
1. Go to `WP-Admin -> Appearance -> Widgets`
2. The widget name is Ratings.

= How To Use Ratings Stats Outside WP Loop? =

= To Display Lowest Rated Post =
* Use:
<?php if (function_exists('get_lowest_rated')): ?>
		<?php get_lowest_rated(); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
* Default: get_lowest_rated('both', 0, 10)
* The value 'both' will display both the lowest rated posts and pages.
* If you want to display the lowest rated posts only, replace 'both' with 'post'.
* If you want to display the lowest rated pages only, replace 'both' with 'page'.
* The value 0 refers to the minimum votes required before the post get shown.
* The value 10 will display only the top 10 lowest rated posts/pages.

= To Display Lowest Rated Post By Tag =
* Use:
<?php if (function_exists('get_lowest_rated_tag')): ?>
		<?php get_lowest_rated_tag(TAG_ID); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
* Default: get_lowest_rated_tag(TAG_ID, 'both', 0, 10)
* Replace TAG_ID will your tag ID. If you want it to span several categories, replace TAG_ID with array(1, 2) where 1 and 2 are your categories ID.
* The value 'both' will display both the lowest rated posts and pages.
* If you want to display the lowest rated posts only, replace 'both' with 'post'.
* If you want to display the lowest rated pages only, replace 'both' with 'page'.
* The value 0 refers to the minimum votes required before the post get shown.
* The value 10 will display only the top 10 lowest rated posts/pages.

= To Display Lowest Rated Post In A Category =
* Use:
<?php if (function_exists('get_lowest_rated_category')): ?>
		<?php get_lowest_rated_category(CATEGORY_ID); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
* Default: get_lowest_rated_category(CATEGORY_ID, 'both', 0, 10)
* Replace CATEGORY_ID will your category ID. If you want it to span several categories, replace CATEGORY_ID with array(1, 2) where 1 and 2 are your categories ID.
* The value 'both' will display both the lowest rated posts and pages.
* If you want to display the lowest rated posts only, replace 'both' with 'post'.
* If you want to display the lowest rated pages only, replace 'both' with 'page'.
* The value 0 refers to the minimum votes required before the post get shown.
* The value 10 will display only the top 10 lowest rated posts/pages.

= To Display Highest Rated Post =
* Use:
<?php if (function_exists('get_highest_rated')): ?>
		<?php get_highest_rated(); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
* Default: get_highest_rated('both', 0, 10)
* The value 'both' will display both the highest rated posts and pages.
* If you want to display the highest rated posts only, replace 'both' with 'post'.
* If you want to display the highest rated pages only, replace 'both' with 'page'.
* The value 0 refers to the minimum votes required before the post get shown.
* The value 10 will display only the top 10 highest rated posts/pages.

= To Display Highest Rated Post By Tag =
* Use:
<?php if (function_exists('get_highest_rated_tag')): ?>
		<?php get_highest_rated_tag(TAG_ID); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
* Default: get_highest_rated_tag(TAG_ID, 'both', 0, 10)
* Replace TAG_ID will your tag ID. If you want it to span several categories, replace TAG_ID with array(1, 2) where 1 and 2 are your categories ID.
* The value 'both' will display both the highest rated posts and pages.
* If you want to display the highest rated posts only, replace 'both' with 'post'.
* If you want to display the highest rated pages only, replace 'both' with 'page'.
* The value 0 refers to the minimum votes required before the post get shown.
* The value 10 will display only the top 10 highest rated posts/pages.

= To Display Highest Rated Post In A Category =
* Use:
<?php if (function_exists('get_highest_rated_category')): ?>
		<?php get_highest_rated_category(CATEGORY_ID); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
* Default: get_highest_rated_category(CATEGORY_ID, 'both', 0, 10)
* Replace CATEGORY_ID will your category ID. If you want it to span several categories, replace CATEGORY_ID with array(1, 2) where 1 and 2 are your categories ID.
* The value 'both' will display both the highest rated posts and pages.
* If you want to display the highest rated posts only, replace 'both' with 'post'.
* If you want to display the highest rated pages only, replace 'both' with 'page'.
* The value 0 refers to the minimum votes required before the post get shown.
* The value 10 will display only the top 10 highest rated posts/pages.

= To Display Highest Rated Post Within A Given Period =
* Use:
<?php if (function_exists('get_highest_rated_range')): ?>
		<?php get_highest_rated_range('1 day'); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
* Default: get_highest_rated_range('1 day', 'both', 10)
* The value '1 day' will be the range that you want. You can use '2 days', '1 month', etc.
* The value 'both' will display both the most rated posts and pages.
* If you want to display the most rated posts only, replace 'both' with 'post'.
* If you want to display the most rated pages only, replace 'both' with 'page'.
* The value 10 will display only the top 10 most rated posts/pages.

= To Display Most Rated Post =
* Use:
<?php if (function_exists('get_most_rated')): ?>
		<?php get_most_rated(); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
* Default: get_most_rated('both', 0, 10)
* The value 'both' will display both the most rated posts and pages.
* If you want to display the most rated posts only, replace 'both' with 'post'.
* If you want to display the most rated pages only, replace 'both' with 'page'.
* The value 0 refers to the minimum votes required before the post get shown.
* The value 10 will display only the top 10 most rated posts/pages.

= To Display Most Rated Post In A Category =
* Use:
<?php if (function_exists('get_most_rated_category')): ?>
		<?php get_most_rated_category(CATEGORY_ID); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
* Default: get_most_rated_category(CATEGORY_ID, 'both', 0, 10)
* Replace CATEGORY_ID will your category ID. If you want it to span several categories, replace CATEGORY_ID with array(1, 2) where 1 and 2 are your categories ID.
* The value 'both' will display both the most rated posts and pages.
* If you want to display the most rated posts only, replace 'both' with 'post'.
* If you want to display the most rated pages only, replace 'both' with 'page'.
* The value 0 refers to the minimum votes required before the post get shown.
* The value 10 will display only the top 10 most rated posts/pages.

= To Display Most Rated Post Within A Given Period =
* Use:
<?php if (function_exists('get_most_rated_range')): ?>
		<?php get_most_rated_range('1 day'); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
* Default: get_most_rated_range('1 day', 'both', 10)
* The value '1 day' will be the range that you want. You can use '2 days', '1 month', etc.
* The value 'both' will display both the most rated posts and pages.
* If you want to display the most rated posts only, replace 'both' with 'post'.
* If you want to display the most rated pages only, replace 'both' with 'page'.
* The value 10 will display only the top 10 most rated posts/pages.

= To Display Highest Score Post =
* Use:
<?php if (function_exists('get_highest_score')): ?>
		<?php get_highest_score(); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
* Default: get_highest_score('both', 0, 10)
* The value 'both' will display both the most rated posts and pages.
* If you want to display the most rated posts only, replace 'both' with 'post'.
* If you want to display the most rated pages only, replace 'both' with 'page'.
* The value 0 refers to the minimum votes required before the post get shown.
* The value 10 will display only the top 10 most rated posts/pages.

= To Display Highest Score Post In A Category =
* Use:
<?php if (function_exists('get_highest_score_category')): ?>
		<?php get_highest_score_category(CATEGORY_ID); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
* Default: get_highest_score_category(CATEGORY_ID, 'both', 0, 10)
* Replace CATEGORY_ID will your category ID. If you want it to span several categories, replace CATEGORY_ID with array(1, 2) where 1 and 2 are your categories ID.
* The value 'both' will display both the most rated posts and pages.
* If you want to display the most rated posts only, replace 'both' with 'post'.
* If you want to display the most rated pages only, replace 'both' with 'page'.
* The value 0 refers to the minimum votes required before the post get shown.
* The value 10 will display only the top 10 most rated posts/pages.

= To Display Highest Score Post Within A Given Period =
* Use:
<?php if (function_exists('get_highest_score_range')): ?>
		<?php get_highest_score_range('1 day'); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
* Default: get_highest_score_range('1 day', 'both', 10)
* The value '1 day' will be the range that you want. You can use '2 days', '1 month', etc.
* The value 'both' will display both the most rated posts and pages.
* If you want to display the most rated posts only, replace 'both' with 'post'.
* If you want to display the most rated pages only, replace 'both' with 'page'.
* The value 10 will display only the top 10 most rated posts/pages.

= To Sort Highest/Lowest Rated Posts =
* You can use: `<?php query_posts($query_string.'&r_sortby=highest_rated&amp;r_orderby=desc') ?>`
* Or pass in the variables to the URL: `;r_orderby=desc`
* You can replace desc with asc if you want the lowest rated posts.

= To Sort Most/Least Rated Posts =
* You can use: `<?php query_posts($query_string.'&r_sortby=most_rated&amp;r_orderby=desc') ?>`
* Or pass in the variables to the URL: `;r_orderby=desc`
* You can replace desc with asc if you want the least rated posts.


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