The tiger_gl library does not use X11, it writes directly to the Linux framebuffer.
This library was inspired by the Littlevgl and UGUI libraries which are very good libraries.
Currently this library has the features I need for my projects but I will add new features as needed. If yow have a need for a new feature or added a new feature to tiger_gl send an email to and let me know.
- No X11 required.
- Simple to use.
- All code is in C.
- Develop for Raspberry PI
- Image Widget
- Label Widget
- Spinner Widget
- Checkbox widget
- Radio buttons with grouping
- Progress bar
- Touch screen support
- Many simple font sizes
- Support for video
- Simple transparency for text.
- Auto updating screen. (Only draws what has changed)
The tiger_gl library uses two screen buffers. The first screen area is what the tiger_gl library updates. The second screen is the linux frame buffer which is automatically updated from the first screen. I only update what has changed from the first screen to the linux frame buffer, cutting down on the memory copies.
The library is divdied up into groups:
- General screen functions. (screen_gl.c)
- Image functions, FrameImage. (image_gl.c)
- Primartive drawing functions. (draw_gl.c)
- Main library functions. (tiger_gl.c)
- Touch screen functions. (touch_gl.c)
- Widget functions. (widget_gl.c)
- Ugui functions. (ugui.c) I am using the primative drawing and font functions of ugui.
Function | Description |
int tglInit(char *device, uint16_t width, uint16_t height) | First call to initialize the tiger_gl library. |
int tglFbOpen(char *device) | Opens the linux frame buffer device. Normally called by the tglIinit function. |
void tglSetAutoUpdate(bool flag) | Enables or disable auto updating. |
void tglFbPrintInfo(void) | Prints information about FB. |
void tglFbClose(void) | Restores screen and closes the frame buffer device. |
unsigned char *tglFbGetFbp(void) | Returns the linux frame buffer pointer to memory. |
int tglFbGetWidth(void) | Returns the screens width in pixels. |
int tglFbGetHeight(void) | Returns the screens height in pixels. |
int tglFbGetBpp(void) | Returns the screens bits per pixel. (always 32 bits) |
void tglFbUpdate(void) | Updates the complete screen, normally only called by the tiger_gl library. |
void tglFbUpdateArea(unsigned char *buf, unit16_t bx, unit16_t by, unit16_t bw, unit16_t bh) | Updates a rectangle area on the screen. Normally called by the update thread. |
void tglFindTouchDevice(char *deviceName) | Use the lsinput program to find the touch screen device. Currently supports 3 screen types, see code for screens. |
Function | Description |
int tglScreenCreate(unit16_t x, unit16_t y, unit16_t width, unit16_t height, unit16_t bpp) | Used to create the first screen. |
int tglScreenLoad(char *fileName) | Used to load a screen image directly to the screen. |
int tglScreenSave(char *fileName) | Save the current screen to an image file. |
int tglScreeDelete(void) | Deletes the screen. Not normally called. |
TGLBITMAP *tglScreengetBitmap(void) | Returns the screen image as a pointer to TGLBITMAP. |
BYTE *tglScreeGetPixels(void) | Returns the pointer to the screem image pixels. |
BYTE *tglScreenGetScanLine(unit16_t row) | Returns a pointer to the row given. |
int tglScreenGetType(void) | Returns the image type of the screen. |
int tglScreenGetColorsUsed(void) | Returns the number of colors used. |
int tglScreenGetBpp(void) | Returns pointer to screen image. |
int tglScreenGetWidth(void) | Returns screen width in pixels. |
int tglScreenGetHeight(void) | Returns screen height in pixels. |
int tglScreenGetPitch(void) | Returns width of screen in bytes rounded to the next 32 bit boundary. |
int tglScreenGetLine(void) | Get scan line length in pixels |
int tglScreenRotate(double angle | Rotate screen by angle. |
int tglScreenFlipHorizontal(void) | Flips screen horizontal |
int tglScreenFlipVertical(void) | Flips screen vertical |
int tglScreenGetSize(void) | Returns the size of the DIB-element |
int tglScreenRescale(char *fileName) | Rescales the image. |
void tglScreenPrintInfo(char *title) | Print screen information. |
void tglScreenPutPixel(unit16_t x, unit16_t y, unit16_t c) | Called by all functons needing to draw something to the screen. |
void tglScreePutChar(char c, unit16_t x, unit16_t y, unit32_t fc, unsigned int bc | Draws a single characrter to the screen. |
void tglScreePutString(unit16_t x, unit16_t y, char *text, uint32_t fc, uint32_t bc) | Draws a string of characrters to the screen. |
void tglScreenFill(uint32-t c) | fills screen with a color. |
Function | Description |
void tglDrawLine(uint32-t xs, uint32-t ys, uint32-t xe, uint32-t ye, uint32_t c) | Draws a line on the screen. |
void tglDrawRect(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t width, uint16_t height, uint32_t c) | Draws a rectangle on the screen. |
void tglDrawRoudRect(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t width, uint16_t height, uint16_t radius, uint32_t c) | Draws a rounded rectangle on the screen. |
void tglDrawFillRect(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t width, uint16_t height, uint32_t c) | Draws a filled rectanlge on the screen. |
void tglDrawFillRoudRect(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t width, uint16_t height, uint32_t c) | Draws a filled rounded rectangle on the screen. |
void tglDrawCircle(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t radius, uint32_t c) | Draws a circle on the screen. |
void tglDrawFillCircle(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t radius, uint32_t c) | Draws a filled circle on the screen. |
void tglDrawMeshRect(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t width, uint16_t height, uint32_t c) | Draws a meshed rectangle on the screen. |
void tglDrawArc( uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t radius, int sec, uint32_t c) | Draws a arc on the screen. |
void tglDrawImage(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, TGLBITMAP *img, bool transparency) | Draws an image to the screen with ot without transparency. |
void tglDrawVideoImage(TglWidget *tw, TGLBITMAP *img) | Used to support drawing frames of video to the screen. |
Function | Description |
TGLBITMAP *tglImageCreate(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t width, uint16_t height, uint16_t bpp) | Allocate an image in memory. |
TGLBITMAP *tglImageLoad(char *fileName) | Load an image into memory. |
void tglImageSetTransparent(TGLBITMAP *img, bool flag) | Set an image to support tranparency. |
void tglImageSetTransTable(TGLBITMAP *img, BYTE *table, int count) | Set images transparency table. |
void tglImageGetBg(TGLBITMAP *img, TGLRGB *rgb) | Get images background color. |
TGLBITMAP *tglImageLoadMem(unsigned char *mem, int memLength) | Load an image from memory. |
int tglImageSave(TGLBITMAP * img, char *fileName) | Save an image to disk. |
int tglImageDelete(TGLBITMAP *img) | Delete an image in memory. |
int tglImageSaveRaw(unsigned char *bits, uint16_t width, uint16_t height, uint16_t bpp, char *fileName) | Save image to disk in raw format. |
TGLBITMAP *tglImageComposite(TGLBITMAP *img, uint32_t fc) | Adds a composite to the image. |
TGLBITMAP *tglImageClone(TGLBITMAP *img) | Clone an image. |
BYTE *tglImageGetScanLine(TGLBITMAP *img, uint16_t row) | Get pointer to image row. |
unisgned char *tglImageGetBits(TGLBITMAP *img) | Get pointer to image data. |
unsigned tglImageGetBPP(TGLBITMAP *img) | Get images bit per pixel. |
int tglImageGetType(TGLBITMAP *img) | Get image type. |
int tglImageGetColorsUsed(TGLBITMAP *img) | Get number of colors used by image. |
int tglImageGetWidth(TGLBITMAP *img) | Get width of image. |
int tglImageGetHeight(TGLBITMAP *img) | Get height of image. |
nt unsigned tglImageGetPitch(TGLBITMAP *img) | Get pitch of image. |
unsigned tglImageGetLine(TGLBITMAP *img) | Get scan line size in bytes. |
TGLBITMAP *tglImageRotate(TGLBITMAP *img, double angle) | Rotate image by angle. |
int tglImageFlipHorizontal(TGLBITMAP *img) | Flip image horizontal |
int tglImageFlipVertical(TGLBITMAP *img) | Flip image vertical |
unsigned tglImageGetSize(TGLBITMAP *img) | Get size of image. |
TGLBITMAP *tglImageRescale(TGLBITMAP *img, uint16_t width, uint16_t height, TglFilter filter) | Rescale image. |
TGLBITMAP *tglImageConvertTo32(TGLBITMAP *img) | Convert image to 32 bpp |
void tglImagerPrintInfo(TGLBITMAP *img, char *title) | Print information about image. Normally called by tiger_gl library. |
Function | Description |
int tglTouchInit(char *device, uint16_t screenWidth, uint16_t screenHeight, uint16_t touchWidth, uint16_t touchHeight, uint16_t pressureFlag, uint16_t rotate) | Noramlly called by tglInit() |
void tglTouchGetEvent(void) | Gets the next touch event. Normally called by touch thread. |
Function | Description |
int tglWidgetRegister(...) | A #define which calls the tglWidgetRegisterV function. Comma seperated list of TglWidget *. |
int tglWidgetRegisterV(int count, ...) | Registers widgets and calls their paint routines. Use tglWidgetRegister function instead. |
void tglWidgetSetData(TglWidget *tw, char * data) | Sets data for a widget, used by the programmer to pass data. |
void char *tglWidgetGetData(TglWidget *tw) | Retrives the data of a widget. |
tglWidgetEvent(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t p, uint16_t t) | Used by the touch thread to notify a widget of an event. |
void tglWidgetDelete(TglWidget *tw) | Deletes a widget. |
TglWidget *tglWidgetImage(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t width, uint16_t height) | Create an image widget. |
TglWidget *tglWidgetSpinner(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t width, uint16_t height, char *spList) | Create a spinner widget. |
void tglWidgetAddCallback(TglWidget *tw, void (*eCallback)(struct tglWidget *tw, uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t p), TouchAction action) | Adds a callback to the widget. see example program tiger_gl-test |
void tglWidgetAddIcon(TglWidget *tw, char *iconName) | Add an Icon to the widget if it supports it. |
void tglWidgetSetFont(TglWidget *tw, char *fontName) | Set the font used by a widget. |
void tglWidgetSetFgColor(TglWidget *tw, uint32_t fgColor) | Set foreground color of widget. |
void tglWidgetSetBgColor(TglWidget *tw, uint32_t bgColor) | Set background color of widget. |
void tglWidgetSetFgBgColor(TglWidget *tw, uint32_t fgColor, uint32_t bgColor) | Set foreground and background colors of widget. |
void tglWidgetSetButtonText(TglWidget *tw, char *text) | Set the text of the button widget. |
TglWidget *tglWidgetButton(char *text, uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t width, uint16_t height) | Create a button widget. |
TglWidget *tglWidgetProgressBar(char *text, uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t width, uint16_t height) | Create a button widget. |
void tglWidgetSetLabelText(TglWidget *tw, char *text) | Set text of a label widget. |
TglWidget *tglWidgetLabel(char *text, uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t width, uint16_t height) | Create a label widget. |
TglWidget *tglWidgetCheckbox(char *text, uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t width, uint16_t height) | Create a checkbox widget. |
tglWidgetSetCheckboxText(TglWidget *tw, char *text) | Set the text of the checkbox widget. |
TglWidget *tglWidgetRadio(char *text, uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t width, uint16_t height) | Create a radio button. |
void tglWidgetSetRadioText(char *text, uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t width, uint16_t height) | Set text of a radio button. |
void tglWidgetSetRadioGroup(TglWidget *tw, short groupId) | Set radio button group id. |
void tglWidgetSetSelected(TglWidget *tw, bool selected) | Set widget as selected. |
On a Raspberry Pi, should run on any version, you will need to install the following libraries and programs.
- sudo apt-get install input-utils
- sudo apt-get install libfreeimage3 libfreeimage-dev
- sudo apt-get install libpng-dev
- sudo apt-get install evtest
You will also need to install the utils library. (see that repository for install instructions.)
A simple test program has been written tiger_gl-test
Another test program shows how video is displayed video-example
Place the above repositories in the same directory.
Just type make in each repository to compile libraies and programs.
I have only tested this on a Raspberry Pi using the NOOBS default OS.
I am using a RPI 3B+ to run the tiger_gl programs and a RPI Zero W for the vid program but you should be able to use any RPI board. The only issue with the different boards is memory and network speed.
If you have any questions or issues please email me at