In this project, you will develop and deploy a simple Task List application using AWS Lambda and Serverless framework. This application will allow users to create/remove/update/get task list items. Each task list item contains the following fields:
- todoId (string) - a unique id for a task list item
- createdAt (string) - date and time when a task list item was created
- name (string) - name of a task list item (e.g. "Change a light bulb")
- dueDate (string) - date and time by which a task list item should be completed
- done (boolean) - true if a task list item was completed, false otherwise
- attachmentUrl (string) (optional) - a URL pointing to an image attached to a task list item
- AWS S3
- AWS API Gateway
- AWS Lambda
- AWS Cloudwatch
- AWS DynamoDB
- Serverless
© 2024 tienhuynh-tn Licensed under the MIT LICENSE.