This is the Paint Module for Titanium.
var Paint = require('ti.paint');
var paintView = Paint.createPaintView({});
clear() Clears the paint view.
moveTo(x,y) [Android only] Move to position x/y
lineTo(x,y) [Android only] Draw line to position x/y
enable(true/false) [Android only] Disable drawing
undo()/redo() [Android only] Undo or redo last action
strokeWidth[double] Controls the width of the strokes.
strokeColor[string] Controls the color of the strokes.
strokeAlpha[int] Controls the opacity of the strokes.
eraseMode[boolean] Controls if the strokes are in "erase mode" -- that is, any existing paint will be erased.
image[string] Loads an image (by its URL) directly in to the paint view so that it can be drawn on and erased.
touchcancel Fired when a touch event is interrupted by the device.
touchend Fired when a touch event is completed.
touchmove Fired as soon as the device detects movement of a touch.
touchstart Fired as soon as the device detects a touch gesture.
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This module is Copyright (c) 2010-present by Tidev, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Usage of this module is subject to
the Terms of Service agreement with Tidev, Inc.