This repository hosts the dotfiles i use in my daily life.The script
does two things:
- backup your config files(if exist) to
. - copy my config files for
to you.
- Before installation,
are supposed to be installed. - Because i use vundle as the Vim plugin manager, you need to install Vundle and Vundle is an awesome plugin manager for Vim.(the
will help you do this if you didn't) - Set the default shell to zsh if it is not the current shell.You also need to install oh-my-zsh for your zsh's configuration.(the
will help you do this if you didn't) - Theme uses font FontAwesome, in archlinux you can run
sudo pacman -S ttf-font-awesome
to install it. - Install
, or setURxvt.font
to what you want to use. In archlinux you can install these fonts by runsudo pacman -S ttf-monaco adobe-source-han-sans-cn-fonts
. - If you need to run the command (the default shortcut is M+r), you need to install rofi. In archlinux you can run
pacman -S rofi
to install it.
git clone ~/dotfiles && cd ~/dotfiles && ./
- WallPaper:The system's wallpaper is
, delete it and move you new wallpaper here and rename it aswall.png
. - Music widget:To use the music widget, you need install mpd and mpc.Search ArchWiKi for more details.
- Mail widget:To use the mail widget, you need config the
, If you are in china, mail widget will not work when the mail server is gmail, edit thehead_command
variable in/lain/widget/imap.lua
will fix this(proxychains, polipo, etc).