Forked from askbriar/vim-qmake, which was itself a fork of artoj/qmake-syntax-vim
Copyright (C) 2017 tiamat18
Copyright (C) 2015-2016 ArkBriar
Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Arto Jonsson
qmake is a Makefile generator used by the Qt toolkit.
The 'qmake.vim' file provides syntax coloring for qmake project files.
Put the 'syntax/qmake.vim' file to your $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/ directory. Then you can use:
:set syntax=qmake
To use the syntax in the current buffer.
To set the syntax automatically for certain file types, such as '.pro' in this case, put the 'ftdetect/pro.vim' in $VIMRUNTIME/ftdetect/ directory.
See :help ftdetect
for more information.
Alternatively you can use bundle manager such as Vundle or Pathogen.