Codes and data for our paper "Iterative Entity Alignment via Joint Knowledge Embeddings"
The code for ITransE and DFB-1 are available now!
For DFB-1, we provide four files
- common_entities.txt: alignment seeds;
- common_entities2id.txt: id version of alignment seeds;
- newentity2id.txt: the correspondence of entities and their ids;
- relation2id.txt: the correspondence of relations and their ids;
- triple2id.txt: all triples in FB15K. Note that this is not the original form, but a processed one where entity seeds are already combined as one.
First, compile src/transE.cpp by:
g++ transE.cpp -o transE -pthread -O3 -std=c++11 -march=native
The compilation arguments could be different from platform to platform. Such compilation command is the same as the one in Fast-TransX. If you come across problems, you can refer to the issues of Fast-TransX.
Run ./transE
To test the result, run test.ipynb with Jupyter Notebook. We also provide pretrained embeddings in entity2vec.bern. You should get "0.8309717616319968 0.6708873480052256 80.05868756908853 9951" finally in the sixth block.
If you have any problems with my paper and datasets, please send email to