Movie app made in Flutter with clean architecture using Provider and the phimapi.
- Sign in/Sign up (Authentication)
- Search feature
- Watchlist feature
- Movie video player
- Save to favorite list
- Now playing movies
- Movie by categories
- Popular movies
- Movie details
- Movie cast
- You can install .APK file from WatchEz-APK_Release.apk
git clone
cd movie_stream_app
flutter pub get
flutter run
- cupertino_icons
- google_fonts
- animated_splash_screen
- flutter_launcher_icons
- lottie
- carousel_slider
- cached_network_image
- shared_preferences
- video_player
- http
- provider
- build_runner
- flutter_secure_storage
- flick_video_player
- flutter_html
- url_launcher
- Backend: RESTful API with Java Spring Boot
- Access this source code: WatchEz API