deepracer_vehicle_api package contains methods to communicate with the Deepracer vehicle. These apis are reverse engineering with web browser to capture network traffic when using the deepracer internal configuration web interface for configuration of the vehicle.
- show_vehicle_info
- move_forward
- move_backward
- turn_right
- turn_left
- get_is_usb_connected
- get_battery_level
- get_raw_video_stream
- set_autonomous_mode
- set_throttle_percent
- set_manual_mode
- start_car
- stop_car
- move
- get_models
- get_uploaded_models
- load_model
- upload_model
- set_calibration_mode
- get_calibration_angle
- get_calibration_throttle
- set_calibration_throttle
- set_calibration_angle
pip install deepracer-vehicle-api
import deepracer_vehicle_api
client = deepracer_vehicle_api.Client(password="???", ip="111.222.333.444")
For more details, see addition examples here:'
This repo has borrowed code and refactored them from :