Reticulum (lat. dim. m.) - Little net (a network; any reticulated system or structure.)
WebRTC Webphone with SIP Proxy implemented on Raspberry Pi platform.

Try it out at or at
Currently Reticulum supports only the latest Chrome browser on desktop and mobile.
Please note that mobile version still has same issues with website responsive layout and might be difficult to use.
Firefox and Opera support coming soon.
To start the Reticulum server use:
To start the Reticulum server as daemon use:
To stop the Reticulum server use:
When running on Windows make sure that the ruby gems have been installed with openssl
For detailed deployment and setup instructions take a look at file.
Navigate to: https://$IP_ADDRESS:7000/index.html
is the address of the machine where Reticulum Proxy is hosted. Click on Connect
to make a WebSocket connection to Reticulum Proxy and to get the Media from your microphone and webcam. Once the video from webcam shows up in the lower right corner click Register
. Congratulations you can now make a call to another registered Reticulum user.
Navigate to: https://$IP_ADDRESS:7000/admin.html
in order to access the Admin page. This page allows you to view SIP message flow, view all transactions and their states on Proxy and create new users.
Reticulum has several users created by default to be used for testing.
Navigate to users tab on Admin page and click Register
to add another user.
username | password |
ana | apass |
bob | bpass |
Create the user DB storage:
email VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
password VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL,
To combine all Webphone source files use gulp
Inside the builds folder run the following commands:
npm install gulp
npm install gulp-concat gulp-rename gulp-uglify
To start the default gulp
task and concatenate all JavaScript files call:
This will create a file reticulum_phone.js
in the builds/build
folder. To use this file copy it to the client
folder, comment all other source files in index.html
and uncomment the following line:
<script type="text/javascript" src="reticulum_phone.js"></script>
To create a single uglified Javascript file with null media call:
gulp node
This will create a file reticulum_node_phone.min.js
in the builds/build
NOTE: Null media build can be used for testing the SIP stack since it will not reference the WebRTC and media components nor will it add SDP payload to SIP messages.
If you checkout the code for Reticulum to /var/www/
folder on your server you can use the following configuration to use NGINX as the proxy. NGINX will host your static files and proxy all WebSocket requests on to Reticulum. To see an example of this configuration in action go to or
upstream reticulum {
server {
listen 443 ssl;
# The host name to respond to
ssl_certificate /home/user/path_to_certs/certificates/your.domain.crt;
ssl_certificate_key /home/user/path_to_certs/certificates/your.domain.key;
# Logs
access_log /var/log/your.domain.log;
# Path for static files
root /var/www/reticulum/client;
index index.html;
#Specify a charset
charset utf-8;
# WS conf
location /ws {
proxy_pass https://reticulum/ws;
proxy_http_version 1.1;
add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin *;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header Upgrade websocket;
proxy_set_header Connection Upgrade;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header Sec-WebSocket-Protocol $http_sec_websocket_protocol;
proxy_read_timeout 86400;
proxy_redirect off;
To test the JsSIP support go to
WARNING: Handshake errors with WebSocket connection in JsSIP you may encounter are probably caused by the fact you are using a different, possibly unsigned, certificate with your Reticulum proxy then the one on This error usually appears on OSX.
Reticulum supports JsSIP as a client. You can use it to communicate between different instances of JsSIP client and with Reticulum webphone. Use the example bellow
as a configuration template.
To test the sipml5 support go to sipml5 call
WARNING: Handshake errors with WebSocket connection in sipml5 you may encounter are probably caused by the fact you are using a different, possibly unsigned, certificate with your Reticulum proxy then the one on sipml5 call. This error usually appears on OSX.
Reticulum supports sipml5 as a client. You can use it to communicate between different instances of sipml5 client and with Reticulum webphone. Use the examples bellow as a configuration template.
To configure sipml5 to use Websocket connection to an instance of Reticulum proxy click on the Expert mode? button and use the following example configuration:
To test total time for ICE candidates look at the link above.
Usually getting the candidates takes about 9 seconds regardless of the configuration parameters on Windows machine.
On OSX machine getting the candidates is much faster.
There might be performance issues when using the Admin after many calls have been made. Rendering diagrams in such a case can be extremely resource consuming.
Please use the admin page only for registering new users and looking at the SIP Call flow diagram for a single call, and not for multiple calls on a busy Reticulum system.
Title: Call 1
A->>Proxy: Invite
Proxy->>A: 100 Trying
Proxy->>B: Invite
B->>Proxy: 180 Ringing
Proxy->>A: 180 Ringing
B->>Proxy: 200 OK
Proxy->>A: 200 OK
A-->>B: ACK
NOTE: This guide is deprecated. A new custom testing tool will be available soon.
npm install -g thor
Add support for SIP messages to Thor
by adding the protocol: "sip"
line to mjolnir.js
var socket = new Socket(task.url, {
protocolVersion: protocol,
protocol: "sip"
Run Thor
with the following command:
thor --amount 1000 --messages 1 --masked wss://$IP_ADDRESS:7000
Make sure to add a unique SIP Register message generator to generator.js