- Website: https://registry.terraform.io/providers/william20111/thousandeyes/latest
- Mailing list: Google Groups
This provider plugin is community maintained
Clone repository to: $GOPATH/src/github.com/william20111/terraform-provider-thousandeyes
$ git clone git@github.com:william20111/terraform-provider-thousandeyes $GOPATH/src/github.com/william20111/terraform-provider-thousandeyes
Enter the provider directory and build the provider
$ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/william20111/terraform-provider-thousandeyes
$ make build
The provider is now on the terraform registry to pull it as a dependency do the following and run terraform init
terraform {
required_providers {
thousandeyes = {
source = "william20111/thousandeyes"
version = "0.3.3"
If you're building the provider, follow the instructions to install it as a plugin. After placing it into your plugins directory, run terraform init
to initialize it.
provider "thousandeyes" {
token = "xxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxx"
data "thousandeyes_agent" "test_agent" {
name = "na-sjc-2-te [VS01]"
resource "thousandeyes_http_server" "google_http_test" {
name = "google test"
interval = 120
url = "https://google.com"
agents {
agent_id = data.thousandeyes_agent.test_agent.agent_id
agents {
agent_id = 12345
data "thousandeyes_agent" "test_agent_example" {
name = "na-sjc-2-te [VS01]"
resource "thousandeyes_agent_to_server" "agent_test_example" {
name = "my agent test"
interval = 120
server = ""
agents {
agent_id = data.thousandeyes_agent.test_agent_example.agent_id
Supported tests right now:
- http-server
- page-load
- web-transactions
- agent-to-server
- agent-to-agent
- bgp
- transactions
- ftp-server
- dns-trace
- dns-server
- dns-dnssec
- dnsp-domain
- dnsp-server
- sip-server
- voice (RTP Stream)
- voice-call