Terraform module to create a Chef Server.
- public_ip - The public IP of the Chef Server
- public_dns - The public hostname of the Chef Server
- private_ip - The private IP of the Chef Server
- region - The AWS region
- subnet_id - The EC2 subnet ID
- vpc_security_group_ids - A comma separated string of security group IDs
- ami - EC2 AMI
- instance_type - Instance Type
- key_pair - Your AWS key pair
- private_ssh_key_path - Path to your ssh private key
- ssh_user - User to SSH as
- chef_server_version - The version of Chef Server to install
- chef_server_user - The account name of the chef admin user
- chef_server_user_full_name - The full name of the chef admin user
- chef_server_user_email - The email of the chef admin user
- chef_server_user_password - The password of the chef admin user
- chef_server_org_name - The name of the chef organization
- chef_server_user_full_name - The display name of the chef organization
- chef_server_addons - A map of addon = version
module "tf_chef_server" {
source = "github.com/thommay/tf_chef_server"
region = "us-west-2"
subnet_id = "${aws_subnet.primary.id}"
vpc_security_group_ids = "${aws_security_group.access.id}"
key_name = "${var.aws_key_pair}"
private_ssh_key_path = "${var.private_ssh_key_path}"
ami = "${var.ami}"
ssh_user = "ubuntu"
chef_server_version = "12.9.1"
chef_server_addons = { "manage" = "2.5.4","reporting" =
"1.7.5" }
chef_server_user = "admin"
chef_server_user_full_name = "Admin User"
chef_server_user_email = "Admin@example.com"
chef_server_user_password = "p@ssword"
chef_server_org_name = "my_org"
chef_server_org_full_name = "my org"
Apache2 - See the included LICENSE file for more details.