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Simple custom React template to get developers started with the latest tools


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React Starter Project

Sample React Webpack project with some industry standard tools setup

Run Locally

Clone Repository or Use Template

Clone this repository git clone or click 'Use this template' in the Github UI to use the current project as a template

Install Node

Install the latest version of Node.js here

Verify Node is installed by checking the node version with node -v

Install Yarn

Install Yarn 2 (berry)

Run npm install --global yarn to update global yarn version to latest v1

Go into the project directory cd react-template-simple-site

Run yarn set version berry to enable v2 (includes .2x, 3.x, etc.)

Note: latest version tested for this project is 3.1.0

Run yarn install

Run the project in a development environment yarn start


To build the project for a production environment run yarn build


To run test for the project, run yarn test


Lint rules can be checked manually by running yarn lint for ESLint or yarn pretty for Prettier

Note: The Husky pre-commit hook will try to automatically fix any ESLint and Prettier lint errors when committing. To enable this, please run chmod +x .husky/pre-commit to allow linting and test to run on each git commit. ESLint errors can also be automatically fixed on IDE save if configured. See the project's VSCode Editor + ESLint instructions to learn how to set this up for convenience


Running yarn lint will use ESLint to check for project formatting errors based on ESLint rules determined in .eslintrc.js

Running yarn lint:fix will try to have ESLint fix code foramtting errors for project .js and .jsx files


Running yarn pretty will use Prettier to check linting for non-js and non-jsx files

Running yarn pretty:fix will use Prettier to try to fix any lint erros present for non-js and non-jsx files

Tools Used


Yarn manages packages efficiently with features such as Offline Cache, Zero Installs, Plug'n'Play

Tip: Use yarn up to update multiple packages at once


Webpack is a JavaScript module bundler

It can transform front-end assets (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and images) along with it's modules and dependencies to generate static assets


Babel is a JavaScript transcompiler that is mainly used to convert ECMAScript 2015+ code into a backwards compatible version of JavaScript that can be run in older JavaScript engines


Jest is a JavaScript test framework

React Testing Library

The React Testing Library is used to test React components


Husky allows you to run scripts in the git lifecyle

This project is configured to check for lint rules in .eslintrc prior to each commit to keep code quality consistent in the repository

Huksy 5+

Husky 5 and above now uses a .husky directory in order to provide more flexebility for the way git commit hooks are run

Modify the pre-commit hook with commands you wish to run before committing

Note: When you clone this repo, please run chmod +x .husky/pre-commit to allow linting and test to run on each git commit


ESLint is a static code analysis tool for identifying problematic patterns found in JavaScript code

Rules in ESLint are configurable, and customized rules can be defined and loaded

ESLint covers both code quality and coding style issues

VSCode Editor + ESLint

It is recommended to use the VSCode Extension ESLint Plugin to see ESLint errors in the editor

To apply ESLint format rules on file save, modify the settings.json

  1. Hit F1 on your keyboard
  2. Type Open User Settings to manage preferences
  3. Search for Code Actions On Save
  4. Make sure Format On Save is checked
  5. Open the settings.json for Code Actions on Save
  6. Add the following code to its settings (this alone works with npm projects)
    "editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
      "source.fixAll.eslint": true
    "eslint.options": {
         "extensions":  [".jsx", ".js"]
       "eslint.validate": [
  7. Since we are using Yarn Berry, add the following as well to make sure VSCode can reference the correct ESLint files
"eslint.nodePath": ".yarn/sdks",
"search.exclude": {
  "**/.pnp.*": true,
  "**/.yarn": true

You should now be able to apply your ESLint rules on file save in VSCode!

Note: Since Yarn Plug'n'Play does not use a node_modules folder in project and IDEs require a node_modules folder to exist in order to run lint rules, certain other settings would have to be taken into account in order to make the editor compatible with PnP features. Please see the Yarn PnPify and Yarn Editors SDK to make your project compatible with your choosen editor with Eslint capabilities

Git LF Settings

For this project, it is recommended to set Git to automatically set LF for any pulled files git config --global core.autocrlf false since the AirBnb .eslintrc rules specify all files to be LF


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