Built by:
Banada Bot is a feature-rich DiscordJS v14 implementation that is:
- 👟Fast👟
- ⚡Efficient⚡
- ✨Magic✨
- Assignments List
- Embeds
- Moderation
- Music Player
- SoundCloud Support
- Spotify Support
- YouTube Support
- YouTube Channel Monitor
Banada Bot uses several open-source projects to work properly:
- Chalk - Pretty errors and initialization!
- Chillout - Promise replacer to improve load times, resources, etc.
- DayJS - Datetime calculations and formatting!
- Delay - Used to an async delay.
- DiscordJS-v14 - The main tech!
- DisTube - The power behind the music!
- ffmpeg - Audio, audio, audio!
- st.db - Quick and easy JSON databases.
- help
- kick
- embedjson
- autoplay
- foward
- join
- leave
- loop
- loopQueue
- move
- nowPlaying
- pause
- play
- playSkip
- playTop
- previous
- queue
- remove
- replay
- resume
- rewind
- search
- searchSkip
- searchTop
- seek
- shuffle
- skip
- skipTo
- volume
- add
- edit
- list
- remove
- view