Gatech Campus Finder is a crowdsourced platform which allows users to submit, comment, and vote on different points of interest around the Georgia Tech campus. Example usage includes documenting and sharing locations such as student-accessible printers, bathrooms, vending machines, and visitor parking. This server is built in Perl with a RESTful API which enables multiple clients to access the data provided.
- Perl
- MongoDB
- (mongod running on local server)
- Mojolicious
- cpanm Mojolicious::Lite
- Mango
- cpanm Mango
- Mojolicious::Plugin::BasicAuth
- cpanm Mojolicious::Plugin::BasicAuth
- Crypt::SaltedHash
- cpanm Crypt::SaltedHash
- Basic
./ daemon -l http://*:8080
- Alternatively, you can run with the morbo development server, which reloads application after each change
morbo -l http://*:8080
- To run in background disconnected from terminal
nohup ./ daemon -l http://*:8080&
- POST /v1/auth/login
- Required params: username, password
- Response: username, token
- Error codes: 400 (missing parameter), 401 (invalid credentials), 403 (account unverified)
- POST /v1/auth/register
- Required params: username, password, email
- Response: {}
- Error codes: 400 (missing parameter, insecure password), 409 (user already exists)
- POST /v1/auth/resetpass
- Required params: email
- Response: {}
- Error codes: 400 (invalid user)
- POST /v1/auth/resendverification
- Required params: email
- Response: {}
- Error codes: 400 (invalid user, user already verified)
- POST /v1/auth/updatepass
- Required params: newpass
- Response: {}
- Error codes: 400 (missing parameter, insecure password)
- POST /v1/auth/logout
- Response: {}
- GET /v1/types
- Response: [{"type"}, ...]
- GET /v1/locations
- Response: [{"id", "name", "type", "latitude", "longitude"}, ...]
- POST /v1/locations
- Request body: name, type, description, latitude, longitude
- Response: {location}
- Error codes: 400 (missing parameter, invalid type)
- GET /v1/locations/:locationid
- Response: [{location}, ...]
- POST /v1/locations/:locationid/vote
- Required params: vote
- Response: {}
- Error codes: 400 (missing parameter, invalid vote), 404 (location not found)
- GET /v1/locations/:locationid/comments
- Response: [{comment}, ...]
- Error codes: 404 (location not found)
- POST /v1/locations/:locationid/comments
- Request body: comment text
- Response: {}
- Error codes: 400 (no comment body), 404 (location not found)
- DELETE /v1/locations/:locationid/comments/:commentid
- Response: {}
- Error codes: 403 (not owner of comment), 404 (location not found, comment not found)