simple OPCUA-Server using OPEN62541
this OPCUA-Server received 3 different sensor information from arduino using serial USB connection.
device( arduino & raspberry )
OPCUA client access test
- raspberryPi 2 or 3 ( )
- Arduino with 3 sensor ( Analog Ambient light sensor, Analog Sound sensor, DHT11 sensor)
A general introduction to OPC UA and the open62541 documentation can be found at Past releases of the library can be downloaded at To use the latest improvements, download a nightly build of the single-file distribution (the entire library merged into a single source and header file) from Nightly builds of MSVC binaries of the library are available here.
** Building the Library reference ( )
- sudo apt-get install liburcu-dev # for multithreading
- sudo apt-get install check # for unit tests
- sudo apt-get install python-sphinx graphviz # for documentation generation
- sudo apt-get install python-sphinx-rtd-theme # documentation style
wiringPi library supported rasberryPi serial transport, pi-thread function .. etc
** wiringPi build & install
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install git-core
git clone git://
cd wiringPi ( move wiringPi directory )
sudo ./build ( build/ install )
gpio -v ( check version )
** server source code -> opcua-sensor-server/opcua_server_src/opcua_server_3sensor.c
- Connect Arduino & raspberryPi by using serial-USB cable
- included Arduino source code ( Arduino/ 3sensor_check )
- included dht11(temp/humidity sensor library) library same folder
- opcua server run
- git clone folder
- mkdir build
- cd build
- cmake ..
- make
**select additional features
ccmake ..
- (UA_ENABLE_AMALGAMATION : ON --> create open62541.c)
- ( ccmake command not found : sudo apt-get install cmake-curses-gui )
make (created check : libopen62541.a, open62541.c )
build: gcc -std=c99 open62541.c opcua_server_3sensor.c -o opcua_server -lwiringPi
- opcua_server_3sensor.c is included in 'opcua_server_src' folder