Is a tool for building pie charts in format PNG, EPS, PDF or SVG. My original usage of this code is for building automatically LaTeX documents.
This buils needs include file and libs for
cairo ( Just type "make". Maybe you can adjust path in the makefile.
Syntax: pie -o <file> [-b <hex>] [-c <float>] [-C <hex>] [-d <float>]
[-e <float>] [-f <EPS|PNG|PDF|SVG>] [-h <integer>] [-i <file>]
[-l <hex>] [-L <float>] [-m <float>] [-r <float>] [-s <size>]
[-t <title>] [-T <hex>] [-w <float>] [val [val [val [...]]]]
-b <hex> : Background color (ex: #ffffff). Default is
-c <float> : Pie line width. Default is 0
-C <hex> : Pie line color. Default is black
-d <float> : Percent explode.
Values must between 0 and 1. default is 0.1
-e <float> : Percent extrusion (pie height).
Values must between 0 and 1. Default is 0.4
-f <EPS|PNG|PDF|SVG> : Choose output format. Default is PNG
-h <integer> : Height in pixel. Default is equal than -w. If
-h is not defined, is 400px
-i <file> : Input data file
-l <hex> : Legend color (ex: #ffffff). Default is black
-L <float> : Legend size in px. Default is 10px
-m <float> : Margin in pixel. Deafult is 10px
-o <file> : Output file name. '-' is stdout
-r <float> : Ratio between height and with of pie.
Values must between 0 and 1. default is 0.5
-s <size> : Title size in px. Default is 15px
-t <title> : Graph title. Default is empty
-T <hex> : Title color (ex: #ffffff). Default is black
-w <float> : Width in pixel. Default is equal than -h. If
-h is not defined, is 400px
Values format is: value<float>#color<hex>:ratio_explode<float>:name
pie -f PNG -w 400 -h 400 -o toto.png -l '#000000' -L 10 -t 'the title' \
-b '#ffffff' -r 0.5 \
"33#ff0000:0:application a" \
"20#00ff00:0.1:application b" \
"45#0000ff:0:application c"