Release Note:
- switch to idp v2 switch from https://api.viessmann-platform.io to https://api.viessmann.com for OAuth service and switch to Oauth scope IoT%20User and update token to v2
- Add getProperties PhilippeJ-code
- added addUnit to consumption method that would return the consumption unit
-included constants into ViessmannFeature.php for Viessmann PA2 fuel cell heating (probably will work with PT2, too)
-added a universal getter (getGenericFeaturePropertyAsJSON) to ViessmannAPI.php, - Improve Jeedom example 3djc
- rename getSupplyProgramTemperature into getSupplyTemperature
- fixed getAvailableFeatures lbscld
-Introduce an example for local Jeedom 3djc - Attempt for GatewayInformationInRaw.