Bake a file into a golang byte slice
I needed to deploy a source PNG along with a binary. I'd previously used go-bindata for embedding, but after auditing a project using code generated by go-bindata I realized that its output is quite complex.
I wanted something that solves my problem with fewer generated lines of code and less mental overhead.
If your problem involves embedding multiple files or frequently regenerating your embedded files, you'll probably prefer one of the alternatives listed below.
Give this tool a filename and it will produce baked.go
in CWD, with a variable containing that file's bytes.
It will overwrite any existing baked.go
go install -v -u
cd someproject
bake somefile
$EDITOR baked.go # change filename, package and variable name as needed
var src bytes.Buffer
_, err := src.Write(baked)
if err != nil {
// src is io.Reader (offers compression and CLI configuration) (requires runtime dependency) (there's other forks available, this is the one I've used)