- A TSP board game.
- Simply, get the fastest route from one point to the other with some arrivals to other points.
- For 1 or more players.
- A wooden A4 canvas with 10 nils on it according to the board sketch below.
- A large thin lace.
- 10 simple paper cards with numbers from 1 to 10.
- A PHP app to help you find the shortest route through simple trial and error, random calculations.
- A png A4 file for printing.
- A raw A4 svg file for editing.
- Shuffle the cards and put them in a list without knowing their numbers.
- Set the fist and last card and place them at the start and end of the card list.
- Open all cards.
- Try to solve the TSP problem (from Start to End through points...) using the lace.
- The first and last card should always stay there. Other cards can change positions to represent the route.
- For more than 1 player each player plays its turn and adds a mark (eg a small colored clip on the lace) at the end of the route.
- The player also writes down the order of her/his cards on a paper.
- The player to find the shortest route (lace comparison) wins the game.
Copyright 2021 - Theodoros Ploumis, All rights reserved