FundVerse is a blockchain-based decentralized platform that combines social interactions with crowdfunding mechanisms, allowing any user to raise funds while becoming popular in the social network. Being built over the Ethereum blockchain, FundVerse is structured as a Decentralized Application (DApp), that fosters crowdfunding without the intervention of any central authority,and recognizes the active role of donors, enabling them to support artists or projects as well as humanity use cases.
- Blockchain is a decentralized ledger that records network transactions securely and transparently hence contributors can determine how legitimate the campaign is?
- There is no minimum contribution requirement i.e Contributors have the freedom to support campaigns with any amount they choose - Better flexibility and accessibility leads to improved reach of campaigns
- Blockchain is immutable and support real time monitoring of data - Whereas, DApps are the applications that run without downtime, fraud, or any sort of regulations.
- Backend ( Web 3 folder ): Solidity
- Frontend ( Client folder ): Javascript, React Js, Tailwind CSS,etc
- We have used Thirdweb and Hardhat to create and deploy the dApp on Sepolia testnet.
Thirdweb is a tool for creating, deploying, and managing dApps on the Ethereum blockchain and hardhat is a development environment for Ethereum smart contract development.
Though there were many but some of the major challenges we faced while building this crowdfunding DApp are:
- Migrating from Goerli testnet to Sepolia testnet
- Integration of Sepolia test network with the Ethereum Blockchain
- Keeping an eye on deprecated standards of web3 adding new functionality to the DApp
To Install and run this Blockchain based crowdfunding platform locally, one must follow all the steps mentioned below:
Clone the repository:
Navigate to the web3 repository:
cd web3
Install required dependencies:
npm install
Navigate to the client repository:
cd client
Install required dependencies:
npm install
Start the development server:
npm run dev
Open your browser and visit http://localhost:5173 to view the user interface of the crowdfunding platform.
To use this DApp user must have an extension called Metamask, this is a web browser extension, you can install it on Firefox, Chrome, Opera,etc.
- The website offers Interactive forms so that contributors and campaign designers can both easily create and pool campaigns.
- These forms also Allow for donation and request approval.
- The platform allows users to track the amount raised and days left for each campaign whereas, it includes functionality to track and display the number of donations made to a specific campaign, providing transparency and accountability.
- The ability to track the progress of campaign creation and view multiple campaign cards created by different users adds transparency and visibility to the crowdfunding platform.