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Better body handling when logging requests. Handling for unconsumed r…
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luksow committed Oct 14, 2024
1 parent 8403336 commit 2e8dbef
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87 changes: 48 additions & 39 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ http4s-stir also furnishes a test kit akin to Pekko's (Akka's).

libraryDependencies += "pl.iterators" %% "http4s-stir" % "0.2"
libraryDependencies += "pl.iterators" %% "http4s-stir-testkit" % "0.2" % Test // if you need this
libraryDependencies += "pl.iterators" %% "http4s-stir" % "0.4.0"
libraryDependencies += "pl.iterators" %% "http4s-stir-testkit" % "0.4.0" % Test // if you need this

For `scala-cli` see [this example](#example).
Expand All @@ -25,15 +25,15 @@ For `scala-cli` see [this example](#example).

Here's an example in Scala 3 that you can run using scala-cli:

```scala 3
// Main.scala
//> using dep org.typelevel::cats-effect:3.5.1
//> using dep org.http4s::http4s-dsl:0.23.23
//> using dep org.http4s::http4s-ember-server:0.23.23
//> using dep org.http4s::http4s-circe:0.23.23
//> using dep io.circe::circe-core:0.14.5
//> using dep io.circe::circe-generic:0.14.5
//> using dep pl.iterators::http4s-stir:0.2
//> using dep org.typelevel::cats-effect::3.5.4
//> using dep org.http4s::http4s-dsl::0.23.28
//> using dep org.http4s::http4s-ember-server::0.23.28
//> using dep org.http4s::http4s-circe::0.23.28
//> using dep io.circe::circe-core::0.14.10
//> using dep io.circe::circe-generic::0.14.10
//> using dep pl.iterators::http4s-stir::0.4.0

import org.http4s.Status
import org.http4s.ember.server.EmberServerBuilder
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -94,17 +94,23 @@ val route: Route =

object Main extends IOApp.Simple {
val run = EmberServerBuilder
.use(_ => IO.never)
.use(_ => IO.never)


To run this service you can use `scala-cli run .`.

Or maybe if you want, you can compile it to JS file: `scala-cli --power package --js --js-module-kind commonjs Main.scala`.

```scala 3
// Main.test.scala
//> using test.dep org.specs2::specs2-core:4.19.2
//> using test.dep pl.iterators::http4s-stir-testkit:0.2
//> using test.dep org.specs2::specs2-core:5.5.8
//> using test.dep pl.iterators::http4s-stir-testkit:0.4.0
//> using test.dep org.http4s::http4s-circe:0.23.28

import org.http4s.Status
import org.http4s.circe.CirceEntityEncoder.*
Expand All @@ -115,33 +121,36 @@ import org.specs2.mutable.Specification
import pl.iterators.stir.testkit.Specs2RouteTest

class MainRoutesSpec extends Specification with Specs2RouteTest {
override implicit val runtime: IORuntime =

"The routes" should {
"create order" in {
Post("/create-order", Order(List(Item("foo", 42)))) ~> route ~> check {
responseAs[String] must contain("order created")
orders.head must beEqualTo(Item("foo", 42))
"retrieve an item if present" in {
orders = List(Item("foo", 42))
Get("/item/42") ~> route ~> check {
responseAs[Item] must beEqualTo(Item("foo", 42))
"return 404 if item is not present" in {
orders = List.empty
Get("/item/42") ~> route ~> check {
status must beEqualTo(Status.NotFound)
override implicit val runtime: IORuntime =

"The routes" should {
"create order" in {
Post("/create-order", Order(List(Item("foo", 42)))) ~> route ~> check {
responseAs[String] must contain("order created")
orders.head must beEqualTo(Item("foo", 42))
"retrieve an item if present" in {
orders = List(Item("foo", 42))
Get("/item/42") ~> route ~> check {
responseAs[Item] must beEqualTo(Item("foo", 42))
"return 404 if item is not present" in {
orders = List.empty
Get("/item/42") ~> route ~> check {
status must beEqualTo(Status.NotFound)


For a more comprehensive example showcasing additional directives see [examples](
To run the tests you can use `scala-cli test .`.

For a more comprehensive example showcasing additional directives see [examples]( You can run it with `~examples/reStart`.

## Why this library?

Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,10 +2,9 @@ package pl.iterators.stir.server.directives

import cats.effect.IO
import cats.effect.std.Console
import cats.implicits.toFlatMapOps
import fs2.{ Chunk, Pull, Stream }
import fs2.{ Pull, Stream }
import org.http4s.server.middleware.Logger
import org.http4s.{ EntityBody, Headers, Request, Response }
import org.http4s.{ Headers, Request, Response }
import pl.iterators.stir.server.{ Directive, Directive0, RouteResult }

Expand All @@ -25,26 +24,39 @@ trait DebuggingDirectives {
val logWithTrimmingIndicator = indicateTrimming(maxBodyBytes, ctx.request.contentLength).andThen(log)
if (logBody && !ctx.request.isChunked) {
ctx.request.body.pull.unconsN(maxBodyBytes).flatMap {
case Some((head, tail)) =>
Pull.eval {
Logger.logMessage[IO, Request[IO]](ctx.request.withBodyStream(Stream.chunk(head)))(logHeaders,
logBody = true,
redactHeadersWhen)(logWithTrimmingIndicator).flatMap { _ =>
val newBody = Stream.chunk(head) ++ tail
val newRequest = ctx.request.withBodyStream(newBody)
val newCtx = ctx.copy(request = newRequest)
val logWithBodyNotConsumedIndicator = indicateBodyNotConsumed(ctx.request.contentLength).andThen(log)

if (logBody && !ctx.request.isChunked && ctx.request.contentLength.exists(_ > 0)) {
IO.ref(false).flatMap { bodyConsumedRef =>
val newBody = ctx.request.body.pull.unconsN(maxBodyBytes, allowFewer = true).flatMap {
case Some((head, tail)) =>
Pull.output(head) >>
Pull.eval {
bodyConsumedRef.update(_ => true) *> Logger.logMessage[IO, Request[IO]](
logBody = true, redactHeadersWhen)(logWithTrimmingIndicator)
} >>
case None =>
Pull.eval {
bodyConsumedRef.update(_ => true) *> Logger.logMessage[IO, Request[IO]](ctx.request)(logHeaders,
logBody = false, redactHeadersWhen)(log)
val newRequest = ctx.request.withBodyStream(newBody)
inner(())(ctx.copy(request = newRequest)).flatTap {
_ =>
bodyConsumedRef.get.flatMap {
bodyConsumed =>
if (!bodyConsumed) {
Logger.logMessage[IO, Request[IO]](newRequest)(logHeaders, logBody = false, redactHeadersWhen)(
} else {
}.flatMap(r => Pull.output1(r))
case None =>
Pull.eval {
Logger.logMessage[IO, Request[IO]](ctx.request)(logHeaders, logBody = false, redactHeadersWhen)(
log).flatMap(_ =>
}.flatMap(r => Pull.output1(r))
} else {
Logger.logMessage[IO, Request[IO]](ctx.request)(logHeaders, logBody = false, redactHeadersWhen)(log).flatMap(
_ =>
Expand All @@ -70,11 +82,19 @@ trait DebuggingDirectives {
case RouteResult.Complete(response) =>
val logWithTrimmingIndicator = indicateTrimming(maxBodyBytes, response.contentLength).andThen(log)
if (logBody && !response.isChunked) {
val bodyToLog = response.body.take(maxBodyBytes.toLong).chunks.flatMap(Stream.chunk)
Logger.logMessage[IO, Response[IO]](response.withBodyStream(bodyToLog))(
logBody = true,
val newBody = response.body.pull.unconsN(maxBodyBytes, allowFewer = true).flatMap {
case Some((head, tail)) =>
Pull.output(head) >>
Pull.eval {
Logger.logMessage[IO, Response[IO]](response.withBodyStream(Stream.chunk(head)))(logHeaders,
logBody = true, redactHeadersWhen)(logWithTrimmingIndicator)
} >>
case None => Pull.eval {
Logger.logMessage[IO, Response[IO]](response)(logHeaders, logBody = false, redactHeadersWhen)(log)
IO.pure(RouteResult.Complete(response.copy(body = newBody)))
} else {
Logger.logMessage[IO, Response[IO]](response)(logHeaders, logBody = false, redactHeadersWhen)(log).as(
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -111,6 +131,15 @@ trait DebuggingDirectives {

private def indicateBodyNotConsumed(contentLength: Option[Long]): String => String = { log =>
contentLength match {
case Some(length) =>
s"$log body=<not consumed> ($length bytes total)"
case None =>
s"$log body=<not consumed> (??? bytes total)"

object DebuggingDirectives extends DebuggingDirectives {
Expand Down
16 changes: 14 additions & 2 deletions examples/src/main/scala/Service.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -101,15 +101,27 @@ object Main extends IOApp.Simple {
} ~ (path("pipe") & extractRequest) { request =>
complete {
Status.Ok -> request.body
} ~ (path("empty") & extractRequest) { _ =>
complete {
} ~ (post & path("empty") & extractRequest) { _ =>
complete {
} ~ (path("file-upload") & storeUploadedFiles("file", fi => new File("/tmp/" + fi.fileName))) { files =>
complete {
Status.Ok -> s"File $files uploaded"
} ~ authenticateBasic("d-and-d-realm", authenticator) { _ =>
path("file") {
} ~ pathPrefix("dir") {
} ~ path("ws") {
Expand Down

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