Page builder based UI Testing Meta-Framework
I like the concept of a strongly typed interface that represents the controls on a page, so that's what this framework does.
A page for might look like this:
public interface IGooglePage : IPage
IEditable SearchBox { get; set; }
IClickable SearchButton { get; set; }
After you've got a page designed you'll need to tell the framework how to find the controls. Similar to database mappings in Entity Framework you make a class like this:
public class GooglePageMap : PageMap<IGooglePage>
pubilc GooglePageMap()
// Can use a predefined locator...
AddToMap(x => x.SearchBox, LocatorKey.Name, "q");
// ... or an arbitrary one
AddToMap(x => x.SearchButton, "Name", "btnG");
Once you have a map, you're ready to write tests.
public void SearchTest()
var google = _fixture.Test.GetPage<IGooglePage>();
google.SearchBox.Text = "hello world";
Assert.True(got some results...);
Install-Package Laurus.UiTest
Install-Package Laurus.UiTest.Selenium