Releases: theanine3D/mat_batch_tools
Rewrote the 'Copy Dfiuse Texture to Material Name' operator so that it can handle materials with multiple diffuse textures. If a material contains more than 1 texture, the operator will now append all of them to the material name. If a material with the new name already exists,, the operator will assign that existing material to that material slot, so that duplicate materials aren't created. The operator also compares the node count in materials when checking for an existing one with the same name, and if the node count is different, the amount of nodes will be appended to the material name to keep it as a separate material and avoid replacing a material with the same name but different node count.
From here on out, I will only be uploading releases on the official Blender extensions website. If you prefer to download the addon from GitHub for whatever reason, just use GitHub's own "Download ZIP' button to download the latest version of the repo.
v2.0.1 - New features - Batch backface culling, isolate animated materials
- Added a new operator - "Update Backface Culling" - which updates the backface culling settings for all materials in all selected objects. On Blender 4.2+, all 3 backface culling settings can be customized, while on 4.1 or lower, only the legacy "Backface Culling" setting can be edited.
- Added a new selectable trait for the "Isolate by Material Trait" operator that allows you to isolate any material with animated elements. These elements include an Image Sequence node, or any node that has a driver or keyframe in one of its input slots. Note that at the moment, due to the way Blender works, if you insert keyframes or drivers into a material, that material will permanently have a set of 'animation data' on it from now on, even if you delete all keyframes or drivers from it later on. So the operator will still isolate materials if they were ever animated at any point in the past, even if they no longer actually are.
- The UI has been updated and divided into 4 collapsible sections, for better usability. Now if you only need a particular set of features, you can just hide away the rest.
New features
Added a new operator: Isolate by Material Trait. This new operator allows you to separate faces in meshes to a separate object automatically based on certain traits. Currently, two traits are supported - Emissive and Transparent. You can optionally have the operator move the isolated geometry to a dedicated collection (for easier finding).
Updated the 'HDR Lightmap' material template so that it correctly preserves any HDR/EXR lightmap texture that was already present in the material prior to applying the template. If no HDR/EXR lightmap is found in the material, the old behavior will kick in and the operator will instead try to find an HDR lightmap stored elsewhere in the Blender file.
Fixed an issue in the update_alpha_settings() function where an incorrect comparison operator was being used.
Added fixes for Blender 4.2+ related to 4.2's changes to material alpha settings. In 4.2, Alpha Clip was removed outright, instead accomplished via a "Greater Than" math node. Alpha Blend and Hashed are also now set via a new property, surface_render_method. The "Set Blend Mode" and Material Templates features in the addon were updated to work properly for these changes in 4.2+. There should not be any noticeable change for older versions.
Added two new material templates "Mirror UV" and "Unmirror UV", for instantly adding a mirror / ping pong effect to the UV Map in all materials in all selected objects. The Unmirror template can be used to remove the effect afterward, with the caveat that it will only work if the effect was originally applied by this addon itself. (ie. The Unmirror template won't work if the ping pong effect was added manually by the user or was created during import of the model into Blender)
-Added a new material template: "Alpha Clip + Color + Texture"
-Modified the "Emissive + Color + Texture" template so that it sets the material to Opaque blending by default. It was previously setting the material to Alpha Blend.
-Added new feature: Material Templates - these allow you to quickly replace the nodes in all materials in all selected objects with common node setups. If an image texture was present in the original node setup, it is kept intact.
-Removed "Convert to Lightmap Material" operator as it has been made redundant by the new Material Templates feature
- Added new copy/paste operators for the active face's diffuse texture. These can be accessed from the UV Editor's "Image" menu. These functions allow you to quickly copy and paste the diffuse texture from one object to another.
- Added info boxes that appear after running some of the existing operators, giving a count of how many materials, objects, or nodes were processed or modified. This helps aid in debugging potential issues
- Modified the "Find Active Face Texture" operator so that it only uses the active object, not all selected objects.
- Fixed bug in check_for_selected function that was causing materials to be processed multiple times
- Added extra checks for the Bake Target features. Now if you try to paste a bake target without copying one first, an error message appears.
- The "Convert to Lightmapped Material" operator can now be accessed from the Shader Editor's "Node" menu. Additional error checking has been added to it.
- The "Copy Diffuse Texture to Material Name" operator can now be accessed from the UV Editor's "Image" menu. Additional error checking has been added to it as well. The operator now correctly skips any image texture nodes that don't have any image texture actually loaded.
As usual, you must extract the Python file from this ZIP and install that .py file in Blender's addon preferences. Don't try to install the ZIP itself.
New release with a few new features:
Find Active Face Texture - Finds the diffuse texture of the currently active or last selected face, and loads it in the Image Editor. Can be found by search and assigned to your Quick Favorites for easy access, or accessed via Blender's Image Editor's "Image" menu
Copy Diffuse Texture to Material Name - Finds the diffuse texture in all materials, in all selected objects, and sets each material's name to the name of the diffuse texture (if one was found).