I'm a Aritificial Intelligence reseacher with an MSc in Systems and Computing, and currently a PhD Candidate! My interests lay on Machine Learning Topics, specifically into voice related issues.
- 🔭 My current research involves Accent Conversion and Dataset Collection!
- 🌱 I’m currently learning TensorFlow!
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on more public repositories.
- ⚡ Fun fact: I'm addicted to gaming 👀
- (IN PRODUCTION) LIMA, T. A.; Da Costa Abreu, Marjory. Phoneme analysis for multiple languages with fuzzy‐based speaker identification. In: IET Biometrics, 2022.
- LIMA, T. A.; Da Costa Abreu, Marjory. Investigating the use of multiple languages for crisp and fuzzy speaker identification. In: 11th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Systems, 2021, Curico, Chile. ICPRS'21, 2021.
- T. A. de Lima and M. D. Costa-Abreu, A survey on automatic speech recognition systems for Portuguese language and its variations Computer Speech & Language, vol. 62, p. 101055, Jul. 2020, doi: 10.1016/j.csl.2019.101055.
- LIMA, T. A., & Madeira, C. A. G. (2017). An Investigation of Using Monte-Carlo Tree Search for Creating the Intelligent Elements of Rise of Mitra. SBC–Proceedings of SBGames. Proceedings 2017