Yeoman Angular Generator based on Angular Best Practices (Angular Style Guide)
This generator is used for modular Angular apps.
- Provides a directory structure geared towards large Angular projects.
- Each controller, service, filter, and directive, template are placed in their own file within respective category folder.
- All files related to a conceptual unit(module) are placed together. For example, the home module will contain all the required controllers, services, filters, templates, directives, SASS etc. in the same directory under folder home.
- All the application related artifacts will be available inside app folder.
- All the specs(unit tests) and scenarios(e2e tests) are placed inside top level test folder.
- Single assets folder for all your static resources.
- Out of the box data folder for containing JSON files in development phase. NOTE: data folder won't be part of production binary.
- Provides a ready-made Grunt build that produces an extremely optimized distribution.
- Build uses grunt-ng-annotate so you don't have to use the Angular injection syntax for safe minification (i.e. you dont need
. grunt run
task allows you to run a simple development server with watch/livereload enabled. Additionally, JSHint and the appropriate unit tests are run for the changed files.
- Build uses grunt-ng-annotate so you don't have to use the Angular injection syntax for safe minification (i.e. you dont need
- Integrates Bower for package management
- Includes Yeoman subgenerators for directives, services, templates, controllers, filters, and modules.
- Integrates SASS and includes Bootstrap via the source SASS files allowing you to reuse Bootstrap vars/mixins/etc.
- Easily Testable - Each sub-generator creates a skeleton unit test. Unit tests can be run via
grunt test
and they run automatically during the grunt watch that is active duringgrunt run
. - End to End testing - Protractor has been integrated and can be run via
grunt e2e
- Out of the box home, help and common modules with basic test coverage.
Prerequisites: Node, Grunt, Yeoman, and Bower. Once Node is installed, do:
npm install -g grunt-cli yo bower
Next, install ng-nategen generator:
npm install -g generator-ng-nategen
To create a project:
mkdir testapp
cd testapp
yo ng-nategen
NOTE: It will ask few questions like application name, router to use but you can just hit Enter as all prompts comes with default selection. Initially it will run npm install
and bower install
for downloadig all required dependent libraries for you.
Boom! See your application in action:
grunt test - it will run unit test cases through karma
grunt run - it will open your chrome and run the application
grunt e2e - open new terminal and execute this to run e2e tests
All subgenerators prompt the user to specify where to save the new files. Thus you can create any directory structure you desire, including nesting. The generator will create a handful of files in the root of your project and application related files in app folder like index.html
, app.js
, and app.scss
etc. You determine how the rest of the project will be structured.
This is the default application structure which you will get by running yo ng-nategen
command with app name as testapp
/testapp ............................... application root folder
/app ............................... container for all application artefacts
index.html ..................... main HTML file
app.scss ....................... main app-wide styles
app.js ......................... angular module initialization and route setup
/assets ........................ all static resources goes here
/imgs ...................... place for all images
favicon.png ............ image file
/css ....................... place for css files(if required)
style.css .............. blank css file
/fonts ..................... place for all fonts
/bootstrap ............. bootstrap fonts
font files ......... individual font files
/font-awesome .......... font-awesome fonts
font files ......... individual font files
/home .......................... home module main folder
/controllers ............... home module controllers folder
home-controller.js ..... controller file
/services .................. home module services folder
home-service.js ........ service file
/templates ................. home module templates folder
home-template.html ..... html file
home-template.scss ..... sass file
home.module.js ............. home module main file
home.scss .................. home module main sass file
/help .......................... help module main folder
/controllers ............... help module controllers folder
help-controller.js ..... controller file
/services .................. help module services folder
help-service.js ........ service file
/templates ................. help module templates folder
help-template.html ..... html file
help-template.scss ..... sass file
home.module.js ............. help module main file
home.scss .................. help module main sass file
/common ........................ common module main folder
/controllers ............... common module controllers folder
common-controller.js ... controller file
/services .................. common module services folder
common-service.js ...... service file
common.module.js ........... common module main file
common.scss ................ common module main sass file
/shell ......................... shell module main folder
/controllers ............... shell module controllers folder
shell-controller.js .... controller file
/templates ................. shell module templates folder
shell.html ............. service file
shell.scss ............. sass file for template
shell.module.js ............ shell module main file
shell.module.scss .......... shell module main sass file
/test .............................. container for all test artefacts
karma.conf.js .................. karma configuration file
protractor.conf.js ............. protractor configuration file
/scenarios ..................... place for all e2e tests called scenario
app-scenario.js ............ e2e test scenario file
/specs ......................... place for all unit tests called spec
/home ...................... home module test folder
/controllers ........... home module controller test folder
home-controller-spec.js .... home controller spec file
/services ...................... home module services test folder
home-service-spec.js ....... home service spec file
/help .............................. help module test folder
/controllers ................... help module controller test folder
help-controller-spec.js .... help controller spec file
/services ...................... help module services test folder
help-service-spec.js ....... help service spec file
/common ............................ common module test folder
/controllers ................... common module controller test folder
common-controller-spec.js .. common controller spec file
/services ...................... common module services test folder
common-service-spec.js ..... common service spec file
/data ...................................... your JSON data files during development
/dist ...................................... distributable version of application
/bower_component ........................... 3rd party libraries managed by bower
/node_modules .............................. npm managed libraries used by grunt
Gruntfile.js ............................... grunt configuration file
package.json ............................... npm configuration file
bower.json ................................. bower configuration file .................................. readme file
.bowerrc ................................... bower location configuration file
.editorconfig .............................. default editor settings
.gitignore ................................. gitignore file
.npmignore ................................. npm ignore file
.jshintrc .................................. jshint configuration file
.yo-rc.json ................................ yeomen configuration file
NOTE: Folders are strated with '/'
in above structure.
Now that the project is created, you have 4 simple Grunt commands available:
grunt run - This will run a development server with watch & livereload enabled.
grunt test - Run local unit tests.
grunt e2e - Run protractor end to end(e2e) tests.
grunt build - Places a fully optimized (minified, concatenated, and more) in /dist
When grunt run
is running, any changed javascript files will be linted using JSHint as well as have their appropriate unit tests executed. Only the unit tests that correspond to the changed file will be run. This allows for an efficient test driven workflow.
Modules allow you to more explicitly separate parts of your application. Use the yo ng-nategen:module my-module
command and specify a new subdirectory to place the module into. Once you've created a module, running other subgenerators will now prompt you to select the module in which to place the new component.
There are a set of subgenerators to initialize empty Angular components. Each of these generators will:
- Create one or more skeleton files (javascript, SASS, html, spec etc) for the component type.
- Update index.html and add the necessary
tags. - Update app.scss and add the @import as needed.
- For templates, update the app.js, adding the necessary route call if a route was entered in the generator prompts.
There are generators for directive
, template
, service
, filter
, module
, controller
and modal
Running a generator:
yo ng-nategen:directive my-directive
yo ng-nategen:template my-template
yo ng-nategen:service my-service
yo ng-nategen:controller my-controller
yo ng-nategen:filter my-filter
yo ng-nategen:module my-module
yo ng-nategen:modal my-modal
The name paramater passed (i.e. 'my-directive') will be used as the file names. The generators will derive appropriate class names from this parameter (ex. 'my-directive' will convert to a class name of 'MyDirective'). Each sub-generator will ask for the folder(module) in which to create the new skeleton files. It will always prompt with default selection which is best for the application structure, we suggest not to change it. Just hit Enter.
The modal subgenerator is a convenient shortcut to create templates that work as modals for Bootstrap v3.1 and Angular-UI-Bootstrap v0.10 (both come preconfigured with this generator). If you choose not to use either of these libraries, simply don't use the modal subgenerator.
The new app will have a handful of preconfigured libraries included. This includes Angular 1.3.2, Bootstrap 3.3, AngularUI Bootstrap, AngularUI Utils, FontAwesome 4.2, JQuery 2.1, Underscore 1.7, SASS 1.7, Restangular 1, Moment 2.5 and angular-loading-bar. You may of course add to or remove any of these libraries. But the work to integrate them into the app and into the build process has already been done for you.
The project will include a ready-made Grunt build that will:
- Build all the SASS files into one minified CSS file.
- Uses grunt-angular-templates to turn all your templates into Javascript.
- Uses grunt-ng-annotate to preprocess all Angular injectable methods and make them minification safe. Thus you don't have to use the array syntax.
- Concatenates and minifies all Javascript into one file.
- Replaces all appropriate script references in
with the minified CSS and JS files. - (Optionally) Minifies any images in
. - Minifies the
. - Copies any extra files necessary for a distributable build (ex. Font-Awesome font files, etc).
The resulting build loads only a few highly compressed files.
The build process uses grunt-dom-munger to pull script references from the index.html
. This means that your index.html is the single source of truth about what makes up your app. Adding a new library, new controller, new directive, etc does not require that you update the build file. Also the order of the scripts in your index.html
will be maintained when they're concatenated.
Importantly, grunt-dom-munger uses CSS attribute selectors to manage the parsing of the script and link tags. Its very easy to exclude certain scripts or stylesheets from the concatenated files. This is often the case if you're using a CDN. This can also be used to prevent certain development scripts from being included in the final build.
To prevent a script or stylesheet from being included in concatenation, put a
attribute on the link or script tag. This is currently applied for thelivereload.js
script tags. -
To prevent a script or link tag from being removed from the finalized
, use adata-remove="false"
- 15/11/2014 - v1.0.2 - Css loading removed from index.html and few optimizations on specs.
- 15/11/2014 - v1.0.1 - Few fixes including 'grunt build' issue and few optimizations on tests.
- 01/11/2014 - v1.0.0 - Initial release of template as Yeoman generator.