A lockdown project.
- Can control light colour
- Simple Web Interface
- Light transitions / animations
- Real time control
- Alexa Integration
Once installed on a Raspberry Pi, the control panel can be accessed at the IP of the Pi or, more conviniently, http://nerves.local
Uses the Elixir Nerves framework to create a firmware for the Raspberry Pi, and uses Pigpio to generate PWM signals to control the LED Lights.
Pi connected to the DIODER controller using these modifications. Soldering required.
Uses a Pheonix web interface to control the lights currently. Will implement using Liveview later, the current interface is the bare minimum to be controlable as doesn't work completely.
A Nerves 'poncho' project. Requires Elixir and Erlang to be installed.
Firmware for the Raspberry Pi Zero can be downloaded here
To generate your own firmware:
git clone https://github.com/th0mas/Fancy-Lights
cd Fancy-Lights/fancy_lights_firmware
export MIX_TARGET=<Your Decvice Tag> # View supported devices
mix deps.get
mix firmware
mix firmware.burn # burn firmware to inserted SD Card
Tested on a Raspberry Pi 0, should run on any Nerves supported raspberry pi.
More details here: https://hexdocs.pm/nerves/0.4.8/targets.html#supported-targets-and-systems
Probaly not the most idiomatic Elixir code, this is my first Elixir project, it does, however, work. Works on my Raspberry Pi Zero W.