An easily embedable lisp like. Made for the hackclub langjam.
If you want learn how to use it I think for now Examples/learn_h4x_in_y_minutes.h4x and the other examples are the best way. also reading the code can help, there aren't comments but I don't think its thaaaat much code. idk it could help
~ this is a comment
this is a
(print "hello world")
{ fibonacci }
(define fib
(fn (n)
(if (<= n 2)
~ else
(fib (- n 1))
(fib (- n 2))
(print fib 10) ~ <= 6765
This was tested with python 3.8 and 3.12. I don't think you need external libraries.
To run a h4x file
python [name of file.h4x]
There is an interactive repl
To use embed h4x in you own projects see Docs/
this is very (probably) very buggy software idk if ill continue once langjam is over i think it would be cool if you find bugs and stuff or have suggestions you can create an issue at the repo
- Change the parsing/evaluation to and iterative function instead of a recursive one
- Add dictionaries/hashmaps
- Add more standard library (such as string manipulation)
- closures thats a very cool thing