The following steps should be followed to get SolrMeter up and running.
- Download latest released version.
- run it from the command line with
java -jar solrmeter-{version}-jar-with-dependencies.jar
- create files with information of queries, fields, updates and filter queries
- specify the URL of Solr for updates and queries.
- run the executors with the "Start" button.
The following steps should be followed to compile and package SolrMeter (Maven is required)
- Clone the repository
git clone
- cd to the root of the project.
- run 'mvn package'
- The generated jar file is under "solrmeter/target" directory. The jar is named solrmeter-{version}-jar-with-dependencies.jar
- run it like Run the lastest version running the generated jar instead of the downloaded one.
If you just want to see how SolrMeter works, you can try with the default configuration. SolrMeter default configuration was thought to run with Solr example.
Just complete the Solr tutorial, download SolrMeter latest version and run it with
java -jar solrmeter-{version}-jar-with-dependencies.jar