Tesults is a test automation results reporting service. https://www.tesults.com
Tesults API library for uploading test results to Tesults in your Ruby application.
gem install tesults
require 'tesults'
Upload test results using the Results.upload method:
res = Tesults.upload(data)
puts 'Success: ' + (res[:success] ? "true" : "false") # success is a Boolean, true if results successfully uploaded, false otherwise
puts 'Message: ' + res[:message] # message is a String, if success is false, check message to see why upload failed
puts 'Warnings: ' + res[:warnings].length.to_s # warnings is an Array of Strings, if size is not zero there may be issues with file uploads
puts 'Errors: ' + res[:errors].length.to_s # errors is an Array of Strings, if success is true then this will be empty
The data param in upload is a Hash containing your test results in the form:
data = {
:target => "token",
:results => {
:cases => [
:name => "Test 1",
:desc => "Test 1 description",
:suite => "Suite A",
:result => "pass"
:name => "Test 2",
:desc => "Test 2 description",
:suite => "Suite B",
:result => "pass",
:params => {:param1 => "value1", :param2 => "value2"} # optional
:name => "Test 3",
:desc => "Test 3 description",
:suite => "Suite A",
:result => "fail",
:reason => "Assert fail in line 203 of example.rb", # optional
:files => ["/full/path/to/file/log.txt"] # optional
The target value, 'token' above should be replaced with your Tesults target token. If you have lost your token you can regenerate one at https://www.tesults.com/config. The cases Array should contain your test cases.