Zeus is a Package Manager for the Athena Environment
Athena is an Environment to develop games and apps using JavaScript for PlayStation 2, and this is its official package manager.
This package manager search for packages in this Official AthenaEnv Packages Repository
It will create the athena_pkgs
directory in the current path to put the pkgs in it.
- You should have Python installed, version at least 3.8 or higher should be fine
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
or$ python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python zeus.py -i pkg-name
- At the time, it does the same as install: get from repo and overwrite the current version
$ python zeus.py -u pkg-name
$ python zeus.py -r pkg-name
$ python zeus.py -a
$ python zeus.py -s pkg-name (or --search pkg-name)
$ python zeus.py -l (or --list)
- make an executable/installable version of Zeus, using Nuitka
python -m nuitka --onefile --windows-icon-from-ico=main.ico zeus.py
- the
option is debatable if it is a good idea - we must see an icon file for the executable
- if installable (Windows), maybe we can use iexpress.exe to create a package?
- Define a good path to install. Maybe at %appdata% like PHP Composer and VSCode do?
- Automatic GitHub actions to compile with Nuitka, and release a tag + release object?
zeus --init
orzeus -in
command to create a lib from the current directory- unit tests