Terraform module which creates Yandex Cloud Managed Service for MySQL resources.
# Full example
module "mysql" {
source = "../../modules/mysql"
network_id = module.vpc.vpc_id
ha = true
count_ha = 3
subnet_zones = module.vpc.private_zones
subnet_id = module.vpc.private_subnets_id
assign_public_ip = false
name = "cluster-mysql"
environment = "PRESTABLE"
version_sql = "8.0"
resource_preset_id = "b1.medium"
disk_type_id = "network-ssd"
disk_size = 10
labels = {
created_by = "terraform_mysql_module"
attach_security_group_ids = [module.sg_private.id]
deletion_protection = false
mysql_config = {
max_connections = 100
default_authentication_plugin = "MYSQL_NATIVE_PASSWORD"
innodb_print_all_deadlocks = true
maintenance_window = {
type = "ANYTIME"
backup_window_start = {
hours = 23
minutes = 59
access = {
web_sql = true
performance_diagnostics = {
enabled = true
sessions_sampling_interval = 30
statements_sampling_interval = 90
# Minimal example
module "mysql" {
source = "../../modules/mysql"
network_id = module.vpc.vpc_id
subnet_zones = module.vpc.private_zones
name = "cluster-mysql"
Name | Version |
terraform | >= 1.5.0 |
yandex | >= 0.110, < 1.0 |
Name | Version |
yandex | >= 0.110, < 1.0 |
No modules.
Name | Type |
yandex_mdb_mysql_cluster.mysql | resource |
yandex_vpc_security_group.mysql | resource |
yandex_client_config.client | data source |
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
access | (Optional) The access block support. If not specified then does not make any changes. data_lens - (Optional) Allow access for Yandex DataLens. web_sql - (Optional) Allows access for SQL queries in the management console. data_transfer - (Optional) Allow access for DataTransfer access = { web_sql = true } |
object({ |
null |
no |
allow_ingress_v4_cidr_blocks | (Optional) The allowed list of addresses for accessing the database on port 3306. Default [ ""/0 ] |
list(string) |
[ |
no |
assign_public_ip | (Optional) Sets whether the host should get a public IP address. It can be changed on the fly only when name is set. | bool |
false |
no |
attach_security_group_ids | (Optional) Attach an additional security group. | list(string) |
null |
no |
backup_retain_period_days | (Optional) The period in days during which backups are stored. | number |
null |
no |
backup_window_start | (Optional) Time to start the daily backup, in the UTC. | object({ |
null |
no |
count_ha | (Optional) Number of hosts in a high availability cluster | number |
3 |
no |
deletion_protection | (Optional) Protection against cluster deletion | bool |
false |
no |
description | (Optional) Description of the MySQL cluster. | string |
"terraform-created" |
no |
disk_size | (Optional) Volume of the storage available to a MySQL host, in gigabytes. Default '10'. https://yandex.cloud/ru/docs/managed-mysql/concepts/limits | number |
10 |
no |
disk_type_id | (Optional) Type of the storage of MySQL hosts. Default 'network-ssd' | string |
"network-ssd" |
no |
environment | (Optional) Deployment environment of the MySQL cluster | string |
no |
folder_id | https://cloud.yandex.ru/docs/resource-manager/operations/folder/get-id | string |
null |
no |
ha | (Optional) High availability cluster? | bool |
false |
no |
labels | (Optional) Set of key/value label pairs to assign. | map(string) |
{ |
no |
maintenance_window | (Optional) Time to start the daily backup, in the UTC. | object({ |
{ |
no |
mysql_config | (Optional) MySQL cluster config. Detail info in https://terraform-provider.yandexcloud.net/Resources/mdb_mysql_cluster.html#mysql-config | object({ |
null |
no |
name | (Required) Name of the MySQL cluster. Provided by the client when the cluster is created. | string |
"cluster-mysql" |
no |
network_id | (Required) ID of the network, to which the MySQL cluster belongs. | string |
n/a | yes |
performance_diagnostics | (Optional) The performance_diagnostics block supports. enabled - Enable performance diagnostics sessions_sampling_interval - Interval (in seconds) for my_stat_activity sampling Acceptable values are 1 to 86400, inclusive. statements_sampling_interval - Interval (in seconds) for my_stat_statements sampling Acceptable values are 1 to 86400, inclusive. performance_diagnostics = { enabled = true sessions_sampling_interval = 30 statements_sampling_interval = 90 } |
object({ |
null |
no |
resource_preset_id | (Optional) The ID of the preset for computational resources available to a MySQL host. Default 's1.micro' | string |
"s1.micro" |
no |
restore | (Optional) Time to start the daily backup, in the UTC. The structure is documented below. backup_id - (Required, ForceNew) Backup ID. The cluster will be created from the specified backup. time - (Optional, ForceNew) Timestamp of the moment to which the MySQL cluster should be restored. (Format: "2006-01-02T15:04:05" - UTC). When not set, current time is used. restore = { backup_id = "c9qj2tns23432471d9qha:stream_20210122T141717Z" time = "2021-01-23T15:04:05" } |
object({ |
null |
no |
subnet_id | (Optional) The ID of the subnets, to which the host belongs. The subnet must be a part of the network to which the cluster belongs. | list(string) |
null |
no |
subnet_zones | (Optional) Zones name of the network, to which the MySQL cluster belongs. | list(string) |
[ |
no |
version_sql | (Optional) Version of the MySQL cluster. Default '8.0' | string |
"8.0" |
no |
Name | Description |
db_info | Full information about the cluster |
hosts_fqdn | List of server FQDN |
hosts_name | List of server names |
id | cluster ID |
name | cluster name |