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Vido is a web map application for browsing POIs organized in categories. The main features are:

  • a slippy map
  • a POI categories menu
  • a full POIs browsing mode
  • POI favorites and notebook
  • page for each POI content
  • list a POI be categories

Vido is the frontend for the data API.

Vido use aside projects to:

The web application target multiple devices: smartphones, desktops, and large touchscreens.

Vido main map

Entry points


Full entry points documentation available on api.yml and on server at http://localhost:3000/api.yaml.

  • Main Map:
    • Full page: /, /{poi_Id}, /{category_ids}/ and /{category_ids}/{poi_id}.
    • Parameters:
      • boundary: an alternative boundary key from settings polygons_extra.
      • clipingPolygonSlug: POI filtering by polygon (key from settings polygons_extra).
  • Embedded: /embedded/, same subpath and parameters as full page.
  • POI:
    • details: /poi/{id}/details.
  • POIs:
    • map only: /pois/{ids}/map.
  • Categories
    • Empty list: /category
    • Embedded empty list: /category/embedded
      • Parameters:
        • menuItemIds=[id,id]: filters selector entries by categories IDs
    • List of POIs by category ID: /category/{id}
    • Embedded list of POIs by category ID: /category/embedded/{id}
      • Parameters:
        • menuItemIds=[id,id]: filters selector entries by categories IDs

Sitemap & WPA

  • /manifest.webmanifest
  • /sitemap.xml


Can be build directly (dev) or within Docker.

Native Build Setup


  • Node ^14.18.0 || >=16.10.0
# Create empty config file, will be build on `build-config` step
cp vidos-config-empty.json vidos-config.json

# install dependencies
yarn install

# Generate fixtures
yarn build-fixture

# Generate configuration from `vidos.config.ts`
yarn build-config

# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
yarn dev

# build for production and launch server
yarn build
yarn start

Setup with Docker

cp .env.sample .env
docker compose build
docker compose run --rm vido yarn build-config
docker compose up -d

Production configuration

Require server allows CORS on:

  • /api.yaml: the swagger specification Require server allows iframe usage on:
  • /pois/{ids}/map: map intended to be used as iframe.

Apache2 configuration

<Location "/api.yaml">
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"
<LocationMatch "^/pois/.*/map$">
Header set Content-Security-Policy "frame-ancestors *"


data flow

Vido is mainly building using:

# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
yarn dev

Dev with Historie, components stories

Run Historie with

yarn start:historie

Historie build also available on gh-pages branch built by CI and online at


Run end to end tests with build or dev server:

cp vidos-config-cypress.json vidos-config.json

# With build
yarn test
yarn start # In a new terminal for separate logs

# With dev server (slower - not recommended)
yarn dev
## In a new terminal for separate logs
yarn test:gui
yarn test:cli

# The run Histoire component screenshot regression tests
yarn test:histoire


$ git checkout develop
$ npm version minor -m "chore: release %s"
$ git push --follow-tags

Then, create a PR from develop to main, it will launch the continuous development.


Details fields configurations

Popup and details special fields support:

  • addr:*: combined all address fields.
  • route:*: all routes activity types and fields.
  • start_end_date: combined start_date and end_date fields.
  • short_description

Special formatting support:

  • opening_hours
  • phone and mobile

Users tracking

Event Vido event Vido actions Google event Google params Matomo Matomo params
Page loading (homepage, details) page pageview pageTitle, pageLocation, pagePath trackPageView title, Url, Origin
Navigation on a menu item menu pageview pageTitle, pagePath trackPageView title, Url
Enable or disable a category category_event enable, filter category_event action, categoryId trackEvent event, action, title, categoryId
Focus on the search area search pageview pageTitle, pagePath trackPageView title, Url
Seach query search_query trackSiteSearch query
Selecting a search result search_result_event search_result_event type, title trackEvent event, action, title, resultType
Opening the popup popup pageview pageTitle, pageLocation, pagePath, poiId trackPageView title, Url
Action on the popup popup_event details, route, explore, favorite, zoom, isochrone popup_event action, title, poiId, category trackEvent event, action, title, poiId
Action on the map control map_control_event 3d, explorer, favorite map_control_event action trackEvent event, action
Action on the map background control map_control_event background map_control_event action, background trackEvent event, action, background
Action on favorites favorites_event open_share, copy_link, exportPDF, exportCSV favorites_event action trackEvent event, action
Notebook notebook_event open pageview pageTitle, pagePath trackPageView title, Url
External links external_link external_link Url, title trackLink Url
Action on details page details_event favorite details_event action, title, poiId trackEvent event, action, title, poiId
Select isochrone profile isochrone_event select_profile isochrone_event action, profile trackEvent event, action, profile

Note on Matomo. Origin is a set as dimension 1 and should be configured as is on Matomo.

Contributor Mode

Enable/Disable: Add the following query parameter in the URL: ?contrib=true|false