Telegram bot designed to create unique content for distribution. This is a key and integral tool for people working with Telegram mass DM.
If you work with Telegram mass DM, T4BT is your indispensable assistant. This bot will help you create unique messages for mass distribution.
- Описание программы так же доступно на русском языке. См. T4BT - TG Posts Maker Bot RU
- 描述也可以在Chineese中提供。 参见 T4BT - TG Posts Maker Bot CN
- Creating a post(s) with content:
- text message;
- image;
- The video is ordinary;
- video circle;
- GIF animation;
- audio file;
- a voice message;
- document PDF, DOCX, XSLX, TXT;
- Any other file format.
- Option to start many bots at the same time and control them from the interface of the program.
- Option to set the number of unsuccessful attempts to issue a post to the sending account.
- Option to set a description for each media file being sent.
- Option to use multiple channels as a source for media for creating posts.
- In the description to the media file, as well as simply in a text post, spintax is supported, format:
. - MARKDOWN format is also supported to create a hyperlink in the description to the media file or in a regular text post, format
[Link Text](
. - Option to create a post with buttons under the post, as well as without buttons.
- Option to select the number of buttons per post, as well as the number of buttons in a row.
- When creating buttons, spintax is supported, format:
{Button1|Button2} | {{https|http}://|{https|http}://}
. Data for generating a button can be sent both as text to the bot and as a text file (to create a large volume of posts). - Option to add a random variable to each link in the button in the form of
. - Option to create a link to a message to go to a post in the form:
. - Option to separately create a default post (aka default post) for the bot. Those. at any transition to the bot (directly by username), each visitor will be shown this post. It may differ from those created posts that are intended for mailing.
- Option to post ready made randomized posts to a dedicated channels for further forwarding.
- Option to run the bot through a proxy.
- Option to run the bot for a specified period of time.
- Multi-access to the post database on one PC, i.e. the database of created posts can be accessed from any running bot on the same machine.
- Option to run multiple instances of the software on the same PC.
- Binding the key to the hardware, with the ability to reset the key. Reset is free.
- Detailed step-by-step instructions inside the bot.
- The bot is available in four languages: 🇺🇸 🇷🇺 🇪🇸 🇨🇳.
- Free updates.
- Online support.
- In
mode - the most promising and effective method.- This is your own aka
, only with a TG username created by you for your personal project or offer! - The main difference from the standard postbot is that it generates not one, but many unique IDs for one post or many created posts.
- Using text randomization both for the description of the media file and for a simple text post, each message sent using one of the IDs will be unique.
- The same applies to the media file in the post, i.e. each post sent will have a unique media file identifier.
- The same will apply to the buttons in the post, i.e. each post will have a unique button, of course, provided that the button is set by spintax. For example:
{Button1|Button2} | {{https|http}://|{https|http}://|...}
and so on 1-2-5-10 thousand variations separated by a forward slash (|
- This is your own aka
- In this mode, a separate link with a unique ID will be generated for each post to go to the post by clicking on the
button. - The whole process of post uniqueization is identical to that described above.
- Your bot's bot token from
. - Telegram ID of the account that will be the bot's admin for managing and creating posts.
We provide a 24-hour FREE trial period, during which users get full access without restrictions to test the product and confirm the effectiveness of the system before purchasing.
- License: Monthly - 1 Month without restrictions.
- License: Annual - 1 year without restrictions.
Wеb: - EN Version
Wеb: - RU Version
Email: manager[@]
Telegram: Send message
TamTam: Send message
Discord: Send message
Element: Send message
- Buy us a coffee :)
- Thank you!