anet_esp3d_board Copyright (c) 2018 by Pete Cervasio
License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
This project implements a board to plug an ESP-01 running the ESP3d software into the extra 10-pin connector on the Anet controller.
The transmit data of the ESP-01 is passed through a gated buffer, so that GPIO 0 must be brought low for data to be sent to the printer. This keeps the ESP8266 startup noise out of the printer so it doesn't cough up a fur ball.
You must remove two zero ohm resistors from the controller. R52 and R53. You must also either solder on a 6-pin jumper header or just solder jumper wires in the BLE position of the USB/BLE pins.
Since GPIO 0 needs to be brought low, you must modify setup() of the ESP3d sketch to add the following two lines:
void setup() { ... existing stuff
pinMode(0, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(0, LOW);
... more existing stuff