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tejeshreddy edited this page Jan 26, 2019 · 4 revisions


  • Are you unable to remember ctf events or any other events or coding competitions?

  • Here is solution.

  • You need not set any event.

  • The events from website [, , , , will automatically be added.

  • Here is the python tool that will notify you 5 minutes before the event by default or you can even change the time.

  • This Application is tested on windows OS and written in python3.


  • windows os
  • python-2.x

You can install python-2.x from

  • python modules:
    • requests
    • beautifulsoup4
    • pytz

you can install python modules by opening cmd and navigating to the project directory and then enter the following command pip install -r requirements.txt

Setting up files:-

  1. Create shortcut for "EventNotifierStartUp.vbs" file.
  2. Press win+R then enter shell:startup and press ok.
  3. Move the created shortcut of "EventNotifierStartUp.vbs" to opened startup folder, so that this file will be run on startup.
  4. Create shortcut for "EventNotifierLauncher.bat" file, right-click on this shortcut -> Properties -> Change Icon -> Browse and then select the "EventNotifier.ico" in images folder by navigating to the "EventNotifier" folder.
  5. Now move this shortcut to the desktop so that you can launch the app from desktop and see all the upcoming events.

EventNotifer Application ScreenShots

screenshot1 screenshot2 screenshot3 screenshot4 screenshot5 screenshot6

You can click on the links to open the webpage in browser.

Notification Screenshot
