"Hello World" example of an app that will run on the Mobify runtime.
To deploy, you'll need a Mobify API key: https://cloud.mobify.com/account/
From there, create a file ~/.mobify
"username": "john@example.com",
Confirm you can access test project: https://beta.mobifyplatform.com/mobify/hello-mobify
After that you can get things running locally:
# Use Node 12.x to run:
nvm use 12
npm ci
# Show available commands:
npm run
# Run locally, available on localhost:3000
npm start
# Create the "bundle" the release artifact used by the Mobify Runtime
npm run bundle
# Upload the built bundle to Mobify Cloud
npm run upload
# Build, upload and deploy the current code to Mobify Cloud
npm run deploy
You should be able to see your changes here: