The edc client is the java connector to get edc context documentation in HTML5 format.
This client read informations from defined url. The developer will be able to get contextual documentation content according to the keys and get the help url to display the documentation in the help client.
Current release is compatible with edc v3.0+
You can pull it from the central Maven repositories:
compile group: 'fr.techad', name: 'edc-client', version: '3.1.0'
Based on Guice, you need to include EdcClientModule and EdcPopoverModule in the injector creation.
Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(new EdcClientModule());
To declare the server url, you have to inject EdcClient
If you develop your software without injection engine. You can use this tools with EdcClientSingleton
This project is based on gradle. You can install the artefacts in your local cache with:
gradle clean PublishToMavenLocal
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