Title: Still image examples
Date modified: 2021-02-22
Part of TDWG Standard: Not part of any standard
Abstract: This document includes examples of Audiovisual Core still image records.
Contributors: Kate Webbink
Creator: Audiovisual Core Maintenance Group
Bibliographic citation: Audiovisual Core Maintenance Group. 2021. Still image examples. Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG). https://github.com/tdwg/ac/blob/master/image/examples.md
This document is intended to provide the community with examples "from the wild" of how providers have successfully used Audiovisual Core terms to describe still images.
All parts of this document are non-normative.
RFC 2119 are not used in this document.
Audiovisual Core terms (and values) for Image records include:
Required Terms:
- dcterms:identifier
- dc:rights or dcterms:rights
- dc:type ("Image" or "StillImage") or dcterms:type ("http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/StillImage")
- ac:metadataLanguage or ac:metadataLanguageLiteral
Recommended Terms:
- ac:subtypeLiteral (e.g., "Photograph") or ac:subtype
- dc:creator (if known)
also viewable in this google doc's 'Ex1' tab
occurrenceId | identifier | type | subtypeLiteral | title | MetadataDate | metadataLanguageLiteral | providerManagedID | rights | Owner | WebStatement | Credit | creator | providerLiteral | description | tag | CreateDate | IDofContainingCollection | accessURI | format | hashFunction | hashValue | PixelXDimension | PixelYDimension |
84409e16-48ae-4994-8798-50a1294f6ef0 | 7d48b938-a946-47cd-abd7-c9cb1a62acea | StillImage | Photograph | NAMA 2011-026 - specimen image | 2018-08-22 | eng | 1487473 | [Copyright] Field Museum of Natural History - CC BY-NC | Field Museum of Natural History | https://www.fieldmuseum.org/field-museum-natural-history-conditions-and-suggested-norms-use-collections | Please cite this as: (c) The Field Museum (DATE) CC-BY-NC | Field Museum of Natural History | North American Mycological Association Foray 2011: specimen # NAMA 2011-026 | Fungi | http://grbio.org/cool/90as-ki3a | https://fm-digital-assets.fieldmuseum.org/1487/473/NAMA2011-026a.JPG | jpeg | MD5 | 7e12851821d2342680492bb5f83f22cb | 2048 | 1536 | ||
84409e16-48ae-4994-8798-50a1294f6ef0 | fe806e66-e5c1-4fc1-9fba-ac6bbee07281 | StillImage | Photograph | NAMA 2011-026 - specimen image | 2018-08-22 | eng | 1487474 | [Copyright] Field Museum of Natural History - CC BY-NC | Field Museum of Natural History | https://www.fieldmuseum.org/field-museum-natural-history-conditions-and-suggested-norms-use-collections | Please cite this as: (c) The Field Museum (DATE) CC-BY-NC | Field Museum of Natural History | North American Mycological Association Foray 2011: specimen # NAMA 2011-026 | Fungi | http://grbio.org/cool/90as-ki3a | https://fm-digital-assets.fieldmuseum.org/1487/474/NAMA2011-026b.JPG | jpeg | MD5 | 83f73ea4d2c93a2e24e56e5ef400ba2e | 2048 | 1536 | ||
f206a966-9506-4913-8f79-945e0fa5bd0e | 0ce934a4-35e5-4a02-9cb0-babd5b9731b6 | StillImage | Photograph | C0372592F | 2019-09-18 | eng | 1989011 | [Copyright] Field Museum of Natural History - CC BY-NC | Field Museum of Natural History | https://www.fieldmuseum.org/field-museum-natural-history-conditions-and-suggested-norms-use-collections | Please cite this as: (c) The Field Museum (DATE) CC-BY-NC | S. Russell | Field Museum of Natural History - Botany Department | Fresh specimen image of C0372592F | Fungi | http://grbio.org/cool/90as-ki3a | https://fm-digital-assets.fieldmuseum.org/1989/011/C0372592F.jpeg | jpeg | MD5 | 5e3456f17b5510d4f0ac84514a0ae872 | 768 | 1024 |
These three records are packaged with two corresponding occurrence records in the Darwin Core Archive here: https://doi.org/10.15468/x2hjnp
also viewable in this google doc's 'Ex2' tab, and in the table below)
occurrenceId | identifier | type | subtypeLiteral | title | MetadataDate | metadataLanguageLiteral | providerManagedID | hasServiceAccessPoint | rights | Owner | WebStatement | Credit | creator | providerLiteral | description | tag | CreateDate | IDofContainingCollection | accessURI | format | variantLiteral | hashFunction | hashValue | PixelXDimension | PixelYDimension |
04d9efc4-8b47-4545-b9d9-781508392b44 | 00a1388e-bc5c-46f2-ab3f-d5b7ce4d6655 | StillImage | PP29675_image_1 | 2019-04-09 | eng | 744562 | https://mm.fieldmuseum.org/00a1388e-bc5c-46f2-ab3f-d5b7ce4d6655 | [Copyright] Field Museum of Natural History - CC BY-NC | Field Museum of Natural History | https://www.fieldmuseum.org/field-museum-natural-history-conditions-and-suggested-norms-use-collections | Please cite this as: (c) The Field Museum (DATE) CC-BY-NC | Field Museum of Natural History - Botany Department | Robert North : Field Museum of Natural History|Field Museum of Natural History | PP 29675 A+B [HS, M] Pinnularia, Moscovian / Desmoinesian, Francis Creek Shale Member, United States of America, Illinois, Will, Mazon Creek Region | Fossil Ferns | 22 Jul 2014 | http://biocol.org/urn:lsid:biocol.org:col:34795 | https://fm-digital-assets.fieldmuseum.org/744/562/PP29675_image_1.jpg | jpeg | mediumQualityFurtherInformationURL | MD5 | 9b7ad87adb8f5ada19e91a202f4339b1 | 1500 | 1908 |
The following Audiovisual Core terms are recommended for describing an image's alternate resolutions, formats, or other versions:
Further information on how to handle multiple versions is available in section 3.2 of the Audiovisual Core Structure document.
In the example-record:
- ac:variant indicates that a "medium-Quality" version of the image is available with "Further-Information."
- ac:hasServiceAccessPoint provides the alternate version's URL.
See the ImageExamples tab in this google doc
Following the Dublin Core recommendations for the Text type, images of text (e.g., Catalog Cards) should be described as type Text.
Similarly, visualizations of sound (e.g. Spectrograms) should be documented as type Sound.
The differences between a photograph of a living organism and one of a museum specimen is mainly reflected in the related Darwin Core occurrence records. If the photographs were both recorded with similar camera-setups, the recommended Audiovisual Core terms would be the same, with one distinction:
- ac:associatedSpecimenReference to link related occurrences for specimens
- ac:associatedObservationReference to link related occurrences for observations
Note that photographs recorded with camera traps or other sequential or repeated image-recording methods can benefit from other detailed documentation. (Consider https://www.mdpi.com/1424-8220/21/2/343/html)
Example-records are from the following datasets:
(accessed via GBIF.org on 2021-01-24)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (2019). Australian National Insect Collection Image Library. Occurrence dataset https://doi.org/10.15468/y5eckg
- Gall L (2021). Invertebrate Paleontology Division, Yale Peabody Museum. Yale University Peabody Museum. Occurrence dataset https://doi.org/10.15468/nqheui
- Goud J, van der Bijl B, Creuwels J (2021). Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Mollusca. Naturalis Biodiversity Center. Occurrence dataset https://doi.org/10.15468/yefvnk
- Grant S, von Konrat M (2019). Field Museum of Natural History (Botany) Fungi Collection. Version 4.9. Field Museum. Occurrence dataset https://doi.org/10.15468/x2hjnp
- Grant S, Webbink K, Jones J, Ferguson A (2020). Field Museum of Natural History (Zoology) Mammal Collection. Version 9.18. Field Museum. Occurrence dataset https://doi.org/10.15468/n4zgxw
- Grant S, Webbink K, Turcatel M, Shuman R (2020). Field Museum of Natural History (Zoology) Insect, Arachnid and Myriapod Collection. Version 12.31. Field Museum. Occurrence dataset https://doi.org/10.15468/0ywfpc
- Harvard University M, Morris P J (2021). Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University. Version 162.246. Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University. Occurrence dataset https://doi.org/10.15468/p5rupv
- Orrell T (2020). NMNH Paleobiology Specimen Records. Version 1.36. National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution. Occurrence dataset https://doi.org/10.15468/7m0fvd
- Ramirez J, Tulig M, Watson K, Thiers B (2020). The New York Botanical Garden Herbarium (NY). Version 1.29. The New York Botanical Garden. Occurrence dataset https://doi.org/10.15468/6e8nje
Content on this site, made open by Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.