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Snapdragon Flight Documentation/Interface

These pages provide some information about the Snapdragon Flight™ platform (developer’s edition) including how to setup the build environment, interface with quadrotor_control and more.

User Guides:

Our board setup is slightly different than the official documentation. Following instructions have been pooled together from above guides, forums, etc.

We have three hardware platforms available in the lab for use.

Board setup

Snapdragon Flight

VOXL Board

Compile ROS Packages

  • Run a fan while compiling (onboard or offboard) to avoid damaging the board.
cd ~/ws_ros
catkin build -c
  • Grab a cup of coffee; this will take about 40 minutes.

Flying with the flight board and DDK (platform).

Run the script as sudo. This automatically restarts snav, launches necessary nodes. Enter y after snav restarts.

sudo -s

There are helper scripts for ground station computer that sets up ROS_MASTER_URI and launches necessary nodes. This assumes quadrotor_control and snavquad_interface is compiled in your laptop workspace. For example dragonfly4 platform Enter the vehicle number accordingly.

roscd snavquad_interface/scripts
./tmux_ground_station 4

There are helper scripts for recording bag file in the snavquad_interface/scripts/capture folder. On the mav tmux session, switch to the Aux tab, there should be a pane that already has the following keys. Just hit Enter to start recording the bag. If the mav has micro-SD card it will bag it to /media/sdcard, else to the home folder ~/.

roscd snavquad_interface/scripts/capture
./record/sh 4

Calibrating the cameras.
