Radio86RK Assembler sources
- analdiff.as_ - analityc differentiate a symbol formula
- autoload.as_ - write binary segment to tape with auto-run when loading
- calc.as_ - simple formula calculator
- decar.as_ - decimal arithmetics
- getchr.as_ - character input from keyboard - advanced version (more fast and pleasant than standard monitor's subroutine)
- header2.as_ - hear tone from phone line and check for busy status
- laded.as_ - editor for "ladder" game
- mltdiv.as_ - 8 or 32/16 bit division and 16x8 bit multiplication
- modtxt.as_ - don't know for what code modificator
- noise.as_ - white noise generator on Cowox (PA7-PA0 D14)
- organ.as_ - 3-voice electronic piano for VI53 (2 VI53 used - one for 3 tone channels and another for PWM channel's evenlopes)
- outstr.as_ - seems to be copy of modtxt.as_
- paint.as_ - flood fill algorithm for text areas
- play.as_, play3.as_, play31.as_ - various melodies for VI53
- ramtxt.as_ - ram test
- rised.as_ - maze editor (for what game?!)
- sc80titl.as_ - title page for SC80 editor
- scged.as_ - screen graphics editor (very simple)
- time.as_ - determine signal period
- title.as_ - seems to be copy of sc80titl.as_
- turtlegr.as_ - turtle grphics
- xonix.as_ - xonix game