Weather for your mirror Also UV index and Air Quality Index. [Warning AQI may not work in all areas if not then disable see config options].
If you do not enter a name in the config.js file it will just say either "Good Morning", "Good Afternoon" or "Good Evening". With a name. **** NEW UPDATE: MUST ADD POSITION to config see example BELOW in sampe CONFIG **** *Shows forecast or not, config option *NO longer need to enter Lat and Lon... it's automatic! *Automatically adjusts languge based on your config.js!
git clone
into the~/MagicMirror/modules
- Select the middle plan
- For your config.js entry for precise localized weather
Will automatically select translation file and either F or C by reading your defaults from the config.js file [at the top] Will default to EN if NO translation file is found.
disabled: false,
module: 'MMM-NOAA',
position: 'top_right',
config: {
apiKey: "YOUR API KEY", // select the middle plan...
useAir: false, // set to false if you do not want to use Air Quality Index
airKey: "YOUR API KEY", // IF you want Air Quality Index
pws: "KNYELMIR13", // go here to find your pws:
showClock: true, // Hides or shows clock
dformat: true, // for M/D/YYYY format, false for D/M/YYYY
format: "12", // 12 or 24 hour format.. will default to 12 hour if none selected.
ampm: true, // to show AM and PM on Sunrise/Sunset time
showGreet: false, // deafult is false - to show greeting under clock and above date
name: "", // Your name
showWind: false,
showDate: false,
showForecast: true, //show bottom 3 day forecast
flash: true, //Today in forecast flashes halo
showUV: true, //show UV index
showBar: true, // show Barometer
showHum: true //show Humidity level
position: 'top_right' //whatever you have in above position must also be here