Written by TBali in the 1990s
C64ASM v1.1a - a Commodore 64 (6510) Assembler Package for PC
is an assembler for 6510 CPU, but runs on PC- Supports local & global symbols, math.expressions,
- .IF, .GOTO, .INCLUDE, .INCBIN, detailed report & more.
is a disassembler with hexa/ascii dumps.BAS2TXT
converts a tokenized CBM file to textfile.- PRG, T64 and P00 file format support. (FREEWARE)
BALI'S CALC - a Simple Scientific Calculator Program
- with ( ) x^y x! Pi Deg Rad Sin & Arcs, Ln Exp Mem Ran SCI BackSpace & more.
- DOS text mode, keyboard and/or mouse control (FREEWARE).
FORMULA v2.0 - a Mathemathical Expression Evaluating Program
- with about 100 - 100 built-in contants and functions, and a constant and function editor, where you can define and save your own set. (FREEWARE)
STEFI v1.0c - a Graph Editor and Analyser Program
- where you can edit mathemathical graphs and analyse them in detail:
- matrices, components, Prufer code, minimal cost path and tree, excentricity, center, topologic order, strong components & more. (FREEWARE)
DOSINFO v1.3 - Information about dos, disks and more (FREEWARE)
PRIMES - List of prime numbers and prime factorization (FREEWARE)
ASCII TEXTFILE MASTER (ATM) - A commandline-driven ascii textfile processor
- with margins, automatic page breaks, header & footer, justify, include files,
- symbolic defines, print merge and more. Manual only in Hungarian. (FREEWARE)
ATM was written in C++
, the rest in Turbo Pascal
Shorter programs, mainly homework and coding competition assignments. Mostly written in Pascal
, some files in other languages.
MIT License