This assignment took place in the course "Computer Graphics" of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki at 8th Semester. It contains three parts which described below.
This part implements scanline algorithm for filling triangles. It uses two methods for colouring the triangles:
- Flat Method : This method applies a colour to each triangle based on the mean of the three colours of triangle's vertices.
- Gouraud Method : This method applies a colour to each triangle's side based on the linear interpolation of the two colours of the corresponding vertices.
There are two different demo scripts that present the results of the two methods.
1st Part Assignment's Presentation(only in Greek) : here
This part implements the proper functions in order to apply transformations and projections in an object. In the demo script presented examples of translations by a constant vector v and rotation by a constant matrix R.
2nd Part Assignment's Presentation(only in Greek) : here
This part implements the illumination of an object with three methods: ambient, diffusion and specular. For the painting of the object used two methods:
- Gouraud Method : (The method described in the first part.)
- Phong Method : Info about this method -> here
3rd Part Assignment's Presentation(only in Greek) : here
The files of the assignment were created with MATLAB R2018b.
If there are any questions, create an issue in this repository.