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When you need to push data around, you push it. A node.js ETL tool.


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Empujar. Empujarlo Bueno.

When you need to push data around, you push it. Push it real good.
An ETL and Operations tool.

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Empujar is a tool which moves stuff around. It's built in node.js so you can do lots of stuff async-ly. You can move data around (a ETL tool), files (a backup tool), and more!

Empujar's top level object is a "book", which contains "chapters" and then "pages". Chapters are excecuted 1-by-1 in order, and then each page in a chapter can be run in parallel (up to a threading limit you specify).

See an example project here.

For Example, an example chapter to extract all data from a mySQL database would be:

var dateformat = require('dateformat');

exports.chapterLoader = function(book){

  // define
  var chapter = book.addChapter(1, 'EXTRACT & LOAD', {threads: 5});

  // helpers
  var source       = book.connections.source.connection;
  var destination  = book.connections.destination.connection;
  var queryLimit   = 1000;
  var tableMaxes   = {};

  var extractTable = function(table, callback){
    destination.getMax(table, 'updatedAt', function(error, max){
      if(error){ return callback(error); }

      var query = 'SELECT * FROM `' + table + '` ';
        query += ' WHERE `updatedAt` >= "' + dateformat(max, 'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:ss') + '"';

      source.getAll(query, queryLimit, function(error, rows, done){
        destination.insertData(table, rows, function(error){
          if(error){ return next(error); }
      }, callback);

  chapter.addLoader('determine extract queries', function(done){
      chapter.addPage('extract table: ' + table, function(next){
        extractTable(table, next);


Empujar runs operations in series or parallel. These are defined by books and chapters and pages.

#!/usr/bin/env node


var Empujar    = require('empujar');
var optimist   = require('optimist');
var options    = optimist.argv; // get command line opts, like `--logLevel debug` or `--chapters 100`

var book = new;

// you can define custom error behavior when a page callback retruns an error
var errorHandler = function(error, context){
  console.log("OH NO! (but I handled the error) | " + error);
  setTimeout(process.exit, 5000);

book.on('error', errorHandler);


  // the logger will output to the console and a log file
  book.logger.log('I am a debug message', 'debug'); // log levels can be set on log lines, and toggled with the `--logLevel` flag

  // define `` to make it availalbe to all phases of the book = 'something cool';

  var chapter1 = book.addChapter(1, 'Do the first thing in parallel', {threads: 10});
  var chapter2 = book.addChapter(2, 'Do that next thing in serial', {threads: 1});

  // chapter 1
  var i = 0;
  while(i < 100){
    chapter1.addPage('sleepy thing: ' + i, function(next){
      setTimeout(next, 100);

  // chapter 2

  // chapters can also have pre-loaders which run before all pages
  chapter2.addLoader('do something before', function(next){
    book.logger.log('I am the preloader');

  chapter2.addPage('the final step', function(next){
    // next(new Error('on no!')); // if you end a page with an error, the errorHandler will be invoked, and the book stopped

  // chapters can also be loaded from /chapters/name/chapter.js in the project
  // book.loadChapters();

  // you can also configure an optional logger (perhaps to a DB) for empujar's internal status
  // book.on('state', function(data){
  //   databse.insertData('empujar', [data]);
  // });{
    setTimeout(process.exit, 5000);

There is also a more formal example you can explore within this project. Check out /books/etl to learn more.

Empujar will connect to connections you define in book/config/connections/NAME.js, and there should be a matching transport in /lib/connections/TYPE.js.

When is complete, you probably want to process.exit(), or more gracefully shutdown.

You can subscribe to book.on('error') and book.on('state') events. A cool thing to do would be to actually record these state events into your datawarehouse, if you are using empujar as an ETL tool:

book.on('state', function(data){  datawarehouse.insertData('empujar', [data]);  });

Project Layout

Create your project so that it looks like this:

| -\books
| ---\myBook
| -----\book.js
| -----\pids\
| -----\logs\
| -----\config\
| -----\config\connections\
| -----\config\connections\myDatabase.js
| -----\chapters\
| -----\chapters\chapte1.js
| -----\chapters\chapte2.js

Launch Flags

The defaults for all launch flags are:

  chapterFiles: path.normalize( process.cwd() + '/chapters/**/*.js' ),
  configPath:   path.normalize( process.cwd() + '/config' ),
  logPath:      path.normalize( process.cwd() + '/log' ),
  pidsPath:     path.normalize( process.cwd() + '/pids' ),
  logFile:      'empujar.log',
  tmpPath:      path.normalize( process.cwd() + '/tmp' ),
  logStdout:    true,
  logLevel:     'info',
  chapters:     [],
  getAllLimit:  Infinity,


  1. Run your book: node yourBook.js
  2. Run your book in verbose mode: node yourBook.js --logLevel debug
  3. Run only certain chapters in your book: node yourBook.js --chapters 1,4 or a range: node yourBook.js --chapters 100-300
  4. Extract only a small subset of yoru data (great in testing) node yourBook.js --getAllLimit 1000
  • This would make all invocations of connection.getAll() exit sucessfully after retrieving 1000 rows.


While you can create your own connections, Empujar ships with the tools to work with a number of the most common ones:


var connection = book.connections.mysql.connection;

connection.connect = function(callback)
// Connection method; handled by book.connect();
// callback is passed (error)

connection.showTables = function(callback)
// list tables
// callback is returned error, array of table names

connection.showColumns = function(table, callback)
// list the columns + metadata for each column
// callback is returned error, hash of columns + metadata

connection.query = function(query, data, callback)
// query the table
// data can be optional; used to fill in missing attributes/interpolate (?)
// callback is returned error, rows (array of hashes col-value)

connection.getAll = function(queryBase, chunkSize, dataCallback, doneCallback)
// fetch data from the cluster; normalized as an array of hashes.  Data is already typecast.
// queryBase -> the base mySQL query (Limit and offset will be appended automatically)
// chunkSize -> number of results to return (IE: limit)
// dataCallback -> callback called with each collection of data
//   -> (error, data, next)
//   -> data is normalized
//   -> next() must be called to continue
// doneCallback is passed (error, rowsFound)

connection.getMax = function(table, column, callback)
// list the maximum value for a column in a table
// callback is returned error, maximum value from the table or null

connection.queryStream = function(query, callback)
// get a stream that returns results of a query
// events listed here:
// callback is returned error, stream

connection.insertData = function(table, data, callback, mergeOnDuplicates)
// add data to an table; create the index if needed.  Data should be normalized (IE results from #getAll)
// callback is passed (error)

connection.addColumn = function(table, column, rowData, callback)
// add a column to a table.
// RowData is an array of data to insert into the column which can be used to determine the column data type
// callback is returned error

connection.alterColumn = function(table, column, definition, callback)
// change the datatype of a column
// definition is a mySQL statment
// callback is returned error

connection.mergeTables = function(sourceTable, destinationTable, callback)
// merge the data from sourceTable into destinationTable
// destinationTable will be created if if doesn't exist
// destinationTable will be erased and recreated from sourceTable if there is no primary key present
// callback is returned error

connection.copyTableSchema = function(sourceTable, destinationTable, callback)
// create a new table (destinationTable) with the same schema as (sourceTable)
// callback is returned error

connection.dump = function(file, options, callback)
// mysqlDump the DB to file
// options:
  if(!options.binary){   options.binary = 'mysqldump';             }
  if(!options.database){ options.database = self.options.database; }
  if(!options.password){ options.password = self.options.password; }
  if(!{ =;         }
  if(!options.port){     options.port = self.options.port;         }
  if(!options.user){     options.user = self.options.user;         }
  if(!options.tables){   options.tables = [];                      }
  if(!options.gzip){     options.gzip = false;                     }
// callback is returned error


var connection = book.connections.elasticsearch.connection;

connection.connect = function(callback)
// Connection method; handled by book.connect();
// callback is passed (error)

connection.showIndices = function(callback)
// list the indices in the cluster
// callback is passed (error, indicies)
//  -> `indicies` is a hash with index names and metadata

connection.insertData = function(index, data, callback)
// add data to an index; create the index if needed.  Data should be normalized (IE results from #getAll)
// callback is passed (error)

connection.getAll = function(index, query, fields, chunkSize, dataCallback, doneCallback)
// fetch data from the cluster; normalized as an array of hashes.  Data is already typecast.
// index -> string name of index
// query -> the elasticsearch query (as a hash)
// fields -> array of fields you want returned; '*' can be passed as an argument to request all fields
// chunkSize -> number of results to return (from each server)
// dataCallback -> callback called with each collection of data
//   -> (error, data, next)
//   -> data is normalized
//   -> next() must be called to continue
// doneCallback is passed (error, rowsFound)


var connection = book.connections.s3.connection;

connection.connect = function(callback)
// Connection method; handled by book.connect();
// callback is passed (error)

connection.listFolders = function(prefix, callback)
// list all folders in this S3 bucket (starting with `prefix`)
// prefix can be `*`of `''` to get all folders in the bucket
// callback is passed (error, arrayOfFolderNames)

connection.listObjects = function(prefix, callback)
// list all objects in this S3 bucket (starting with `prefix`)
// prefix can be `*`of `''` to get all folders in the bucket
// callback is passed (error, arrayOfObjectNames)

connection.deleteFolder = function(prefix, callback)
// delete the folder starging with `prefix`, and all objects contatined within
// like `rm -rf prefix`
// prefix can be `*`of `''` to delete all folders and files in the bucket
// callback is passed (error)

connection.objectExists = function(filename, callback)
// check if a file exists in this bucket
// callback is passed (error, exists) where exists is a boolean

connection.delete = function(filename, callback)
// delete a file from this bucket
// callback is passed (error)

connection.streamingUpload = function(inputStream, filename, callback)
// upload a file* to S3 with the filename `filename`
// the file you are uploading should be a readableStream created with fs.createReadStream
// callback is passed (error)


var connection = book.connections.ftp.connection;

connection.connect = function(callback)
// Connection method; handled by book.connect();
// callback is passed (error)

connection.get = function(file, callback)
// donwload a file from the FTP server
// callback is passed (error, stream)
//  -> `stream` which you can pipe to a file on disk or S3, etc

connection.listFiles = function(dir, callback)
// list files from a remote directory
// callback is passed (error, files)
//  -> `files` is an array of remote file names

Amazon Redshift

var connection = book.connections.redshift.connection;

connection.connect = function(callback)
// Connection method; handled by book.connect();
// callback is passed (error)

connection.showTables = function(callback)
// list tables
// callback is returned error, array of table names

connection.showColumns = function(table, callback)
// list the columns + metadata for each column
// callback is returned error, hash of columns + metadata

connection.query = function(query, callback)
// query the table
// callback is returned error, rows (array of hashes col-value)

connection.getAll = function(queryBase, chunkSize, dataCallback, doneCallback)
// fetch data from the cluster; normalized as an array of hashes.  Data is already typecast.
// queryBase -> the base mySQL query (Limit and offset will be appended automatically)
// chunkSize -> number of results to return (IE: limit)
// dataCallback -> callback called with each collection of data
//   -> (error, data, next)
//   -> data is normalized
//   -> next() must be called to continue
// doneCallback is passed (error, rowsFound)

connection.insertData = function(table, data, callback)
// add data to an table; create the index if needed.  Data should be normalized (IE results from #getAll)
// callback is passed (error)

connection.mergeTables = function(sourceTable, destinationTable, callback)
// merge the data from sourceTable into destinationTable
// destinationTable will be created if if doesn't exist
// destinationTable will be erased and recreated from sourceTable if there is no primary key present
// callback is returned error

connection.addColumn = function(table, column, rowData, callback)
// add a column to a table.
// RowData is an array of data to insert into the column which can be used to determine the column data type
// callback is returned error

connection.alterColumn = function(table, column, definition, callback)
// change the datatype of a column
// definition is a mySQL statment
// callback is returned error

connection.copyTableSchema = function(sourceTable, destinationTable, callback)
// create a new table (destinationTable) with the same schema as (sourceTable)
// callback is returned error

connection.getMax = function(table, column, callback)
// list the maximum value for a column in a table
// callback is returned error, maximum value from the table or null

Creating your own connections.

It's easy to add your own connections to empujar. All you need is a /connections folder in your project, and to follow some conventions. The basic building block of a connection looks like this:

var connection = function(name, type, options, book){       = name;
  this.type       = type;
  this.options    = options;       = book;
  this.connection = null;

connection.prototype.connect = function(callback){
  var self = this;
  // connection logic

/// Your Methods...

exports.connection = connection;

... and then extend your connection model with more prototypes.

For example, here'e a connection, delighted.js which TaskRabbit uses to import NPS survey data from our partner Delighted. We extend their library to match the getAll method of the built-in connections above.

var dateformat = require('dateformat');
var Delighted  = require('delighted');

var connection = function(name, type, options, book){       = name;
  this.type       = type;
  this.options    = options;       = book;
  this.connection = null;

connection.prototype.connect = function(callback){
  var self = this;
  self.connection = Delighted(self.options.apiKey);

connection.prototype.getAll = function(since, dataCallback, doneCallback, page, rowsFound){
  var self = this;
  var data = [];
  if(page === undefined || page === null){ page = 1; }
  if(!rowsFound){ rowsFound = 0; }

  var options = {
    per_page : 100,
    since    : since, // in unix timestamps (not JS timestamps)
    page     : page,
    expand   : 'person',

  self.connection.surveyResponse.all(options).then(function(responses) {

    if(responses.length === 0){
      doneCallback(null, rowsFound);
      rowsFound = rowsFound + responses.length;

          id:            parseInt(,
          person:        parseInt(,
          score:         parseInt(resp.score),
          comment:       resp.comment,
          permalink:     resp.permalink,
          created_at:    dateformat(resp.created_at * 1000, 'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:ss'),
          updated_at:    dateformat(resp.updated_at * 1000, 'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:ss'),
          customer_type: resp.customer_type,

      dataCallback(null, data, function(){
        if( > rowsFound){
          self.getAll(since, dataCallback, doneCallback, (page + 1), rowsFound);
          doneCallback(null, rowsFound);


exports.connection = connection;


When you need to push data around, you push it. A node.js ETL tool.







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