An analysis of architects' salary while I'm preparing for interview
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I make this repo public to be accountable, hence it will be a hot mess for one week or so :)
"This Side of Paradise" is a novel by American writer F. Scott Fitzgerald, a major theme in which is the disillusionment one feels as one grows in his college years.
This theme properly describes a lots of architects' feelings when they find the disillusionment between their salary and once aspiration, me included, two years ago.
- Find insights and patterns of architects' salary.
- Revisit statistics knowledge in practice.
- Illustrate why I'm leaving architecture/ urban planning industry.
Definition of architects here: includes landscape architects, urban designers, and urban planners, etc. Because (at least in China) these majors are all under the architecture category in universities.
- A shared excel file, architects inputting their salary-related information anonymously.
The original data is not MIT License and I don't own the right to commit it in this repo. If you are interested in this data, please directly contact WeChat Official Acount 建筑透明性 at the bottom of this blog.
cn_stopwords.txt (Chinese stopwords in the NLP part) - goto456.2020.stopwords.
- (Chinese province centroids in the interactive map part) - siliushi.2015.geocoord.
data wrangling: Python - Pandas, Re(Regular Expression)
EDA: R, Python - Pandas
statistical model(multivariate regression): R
machine learning(NLP with TF-IDF and K-means): Python - scikit-learn
data visualization: Python - Folium, Matplotlib, Wordcloud
- final output
multivariate regression analysis, answering the question "what factor most influences architects' salary?"
cluster analysis of comments, answering the question "what are major salary-related topics architects talking about?"
good old web map, answering the question "how do architects' location distributed?"
- process output
- structured salary data(not committed)