Geocode addresses with Google API from a CSV file
2016 First written by shanealynn
2018 Forked and modified for better use and modern Google API by TannerCrook
This script will geocode addresses that are in a csv file. The script has a variable for the address search string column name so you can adjust to whatever the column header is. The output will be put into the file specified in the ouput_filename variable.
Your csv can contain other data but it will not be put to the output file, so make sure you use the input string as a key or keep the ordering the same.
After every 500 successul geocode operations, a temporary file with results is recorded in case of script failure / loss of connection later.
Addresses and data are held in memory, so this script may need to be adjusted to process files line by line if you are processing millions of entries.
Big thanks to @shanealynn for saving me time not having to write all the basics.